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Why don't the user counts in my Lytics account match what I see in other tools?

This is common, and can happen for a number of reasons. If the count relates to a number of users this is likely because Lytics is performing identity resolution across your data from all channels to merge profiles wherever possible. Sometimes this can result in smaller or larger user counts (depending on the id resolutions strategy) because Lytics has merged or not merged users based off of common identifiers.

Keep in mind, if you are looking to compare user counts after a large bulk import, it may take some time for the import to finish processing in Lytics, so the user count may not be accurate during that time.

If the difference is extremely large in your user counts, it is possible that unique identifiers are not being selected and mapped correctly. Unique identifiers (or "by-fields") are fields that can constitute merging within your Lytics account.