
Improved Job status, metric freshness timestamp, Chrome extension and more.

Updates include refining job statuses to show as Running, a timestamp to indicate when metrics were last updated, instructions for setting up the Chrome Extension, and improved URL matching for easier classification.

What's New

  • Corrected an inadvertent rollback of just status classifications. No all runnable jobs will be surfaced as Running along with other human-readable states that leave less gray area.

  • We've added a new timestamp visible when hovering across various areas in the app where metrics are shown. This timestamp will showcase the last time particular metrics were updated to better understand why numbers may be represented slightly differently throughout the app depending on the endpoint and caching in that specific section.

  • Instructions for adding the Chrome Extension have been added to the interface.

  • Improved the manual classification interface by leveraging a softer match on the URL search. Now, when leaving off things like www or a trailing slash, your URL will still pull in the correct match to be classified.

  • Fixed a broken link from the Job template editor to the Job template documentation.