New Interest Engines section

The new Interest Engines tab within the Content section of the left-hand navigation menu surfaces different configurations for content taxonomies and their related Affinities. This concept is called Interest Engines, which is also the tab's name in the navigation.


Topics and Affinities have moved into their respective Interest Engine. To navigate to Topics and Affinities from the new Interest Engines tab, click on the name of the Interest Engine. Here, you will find the Summary, Topics, and Affinities sections.

Interest Engines in the Dashboard

When you navigate to the new Interest Engine tab will see a dashboard of all of your configured Interest Engines with a quick overview of the configuration and helpful information.

  • If you are only using the out-of-the-box content configuration, this will be under the Default Interest Engine
  • You will see multiple Interest Engines here if you have previously created custom content configurations (for example, Shopify Products, Products, or Collaborative Filters).

Some of the terms you will see in the overview of each Interest Engine on the dashboard page:

  • Topics on content Items: This outlines which field on the item contains the topics or tags associated with the item.
  • Topic Scores on user profiles: This outlines which field on the user profile contains the topic scores output by the Interest Engine.
  • Identifier on content table: This outlines which field on the item contains the unique identifier of the item.
  • Inventory from user profiles: This outlines which field on the user profile contains the unique identifier of the items they have purchased.
  • Items in Inventory: Items represent the individual entities in your content graph, like unique URLs or individual products. Items were previously referred to as Documents.
  • Users w/ Topic Scores: Users with topics on their profile scored by the specified Interest Engine.
  • Users w/ Items: Users with products on their profile scored by the Collaborative Filter Interest Engine.


Their are a few new visualizations you will see associated with your Interest Engines when you are viewing them on the dashboard:

  • Content Data Flow: (Default and Custom Interest Engines only) On the left, this visualization shows how many items in the content graph contain the configured Feature (topic) field, and on the right, it highlights the number of user profiles the Interest Engine has output topic scores to based on their interaction with the items in the graph.
  • Popular Items: (Collaborative Filter Interest Engines only) This visualization showcases the items that are found the most in user inventory (representing the most purchased products of the entire user base)

Affinities List

The Affinities section within the Interest Engines Dashboard lists the Affinities you have created across all your Interest Engines. To configure new Affinities or see only those related to a specific Interest Engine, you will want to click on the desired Interest Engine and click on the Affinities tab.

Interest Engine Pages

When you click on the name of an individual Interest Engine in the dashboard, you will be brought to a page that contains all of the information for the specified Interest Engine.


In the summary section of the Interest Engine page you will see

Topic Taxonomy Visualization: (Default and Custom Interest Engines only) This graph showcases the topics within the specified Interest Engine and how they relate to one another. The variation in colors illustrates the number of documents associated to the topic. You can hover over each node in order to see more information.


The previous Topics section has now been moved into the respective Interest Engine. This is where you can block and unblock your topics for the specified Interest Engine.


The previous Affinities section has now been moved into the respective Interest Engine. This is where you can create and manage your Affinities for the specified Interest Engine.

Introducing Collaborative Filters

Lytics now offers an Interest Engine called Collaborative Filter that allows you to recommend products based on your entire user base's purchase history.

Use Case for Collaborative Filters:

After a user purchases a product, Lytics can surface recommendations on subsequent engagements that showcase other products purchased by users who purchased the original item.

Learn more about Collaborative Filters in our documentation here.