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What are recent events?

The Recent Events section of the dashboard page provides a keyhole view of what Lytics is doing in the background.

Here are a few types of "events" that you might see in your account:

User X entered the audience Y Users may enter and exit audiences in real time based on their activity. In the recent events feed you may see users who have entered a Lytics the default Lytics audiences powered by data science such as "Lytics Highly Engaged" or "Lytics Disengaged".

Webpage X was classified as topics Y, Z, and more. If the content affinity engine is enabled in your account, you may see these types of events. Lytics is crawling the contents of your website in the background and analyzing and extracting topics from it. These events pertain to a document that was recently classified and the topics that were extracted for that document.

User X was merged from cross-channel users Y & Z User profiles can be merged together if Lytics receives an indication that two existing profiles from different sources are actually one person. For example, you may have an anonymous user profile for someone who has browsed your website, and a known profile from historical email data. When a user submits their email through a form on the website we can merge the two profiles off of the common email identifier.