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How is "bot" traffic identified?

When data is collected using the Lytics JavaScript Tag, bot traffic will automatically be identified. This identification occurs during the collect and ingest process by analyzing the user-agent for patterns commonly associated with bots. In most cases these patterns are clearly identified by their origin such as Google.

During this identification process a key, _uabot, is added to the default payload being collected and sent to your data stream. This key will have a value of either t(true) or f(false). This particular value is surfaced as a user field which can then be filtered in or out of your Lytics audiences.

User-agents are always changing and evolving. Though Lytics makes its best effort to accurately identify bots, there are certainly exceptions. For these cases an optional account setting has been put in place which surfaces the full user-agent as a key/value pair during data collection. This can then be used in tandem with LQL for more specific filters or rule-building based on your specific use cases.