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I have added meta topics to my website. How do I confirm Lytics is receiving them?

If you have added custom meta tags to your website, like so:

<meta name="lytics:topic" value="Used Cars">

And they have yet to show up in the topics list; this may be because, by default, Lytics only displays 500 topics. So if you have just started adding topics to your website for Lytics to scrape, it may take some time for these topics to appear in the list in the UI. If you would like to have more topics available in your account, please get in touch with Lytics Support.

You can always request our APIs to verify that the topics are being received. For example, we can make a POST request to the segment scan API to receive a list of documents with the topic(s). Here is an example payload for such a request:

EXISTS global.`Used Cars`  
) FROM content