Interface Release: Token TTL (3/21/24)

We've released a set of updates to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Interface Release: Audience Details, Seg History (3/19/24)

We've released a set of updates to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Interface Release: Navigation, Labels, Errors (3/15/24)

We've released a set of updates to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Interface Release: Improved Search (3/11/24)

We've released an update to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Interface Release: Profile Recs, Mapping List (3/7/24)

We've released a set of updates to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Interface Release: Streams, Mappings, Bug Fixes (3/5/24)

We've released a set of updates to the Lytics UI. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made:

Data Model Native Link (Right Click)

Fixed a bug preventing users from being able to right-click and open Data Models in a new window from the list view, as outlined in the attached screenshot below.

Prevent Default Content Collections from Being Deleted

We've fixed a bug allowing users to delete their default content collections inadvertently. As per our documentation, those collections will not persist and will continue to facilitate default use cases.

React Native SDK

We've officially launched a React Native version of our mobile SDK to support mobile development and use cases further. This SDK leverages both native SDKs (iOS and Android). Full documentation and implementation details can be found here.

Source/Destination Config Not Populating

A bug was fixed concerning the display of Source and Destination configurations in scenarios where all options were labeled as "Advanced." Specifically, this issue caused the Marketo Source option to appear without any configuration options, preventing the creation of that type of connection. Now, the configurations are correctly populated and capable of handling all edge cases.