Source/Destination Config Requiring Optional Fields

We've corrected a bug causing some Source and Destination job configs to highlight optional fields in red and surface them as required when users press Complete. This bug has been fixed, and all Source & Destination configurations should handle required and optional parameters without issue.

Fixed "Invalid FilterQL Statement" Error in Interest Engines

Corrected a bug that would cause an "Invalid FilterQl Statement" error when attempting to manage Interest Engines of various types.

Times Seen on Streams Summary Bug

We've fixed a bug that prevented the interface from showing the correct count under the Times Seen in all cases within Conductor.

Support "Retry" of Failed Jobs from UI

A Source or Destination job may fail for various reasons. Previously, a failed job necessitated a support ticket and manual intervention for a restart, significantly hindering daily workflow. We've recently introduced a feature that adds a "Retry" button directly in the user interface for failed jobs. This allows you, the end user, to attempt restarting a job that failed due to a temporary issue without having to contact support..

Interest Engine Improvements & Recommendation Explorer

We've released several updates to the Interest Engines interface:

Prevent Infinite Loading of Fields/Mappings in Configs

A bug that caused some Source and Destination configurations to experience infinite loading when attempting to retrieve a list of available fields from the schema has been addressed. This issue was initially identified in the Pinterest CAPI integration.

Improved Access Clarity

Previously in the app, certain functionalities were completely hidden or depended on the API to provide error messages when actions like Audience creation were not permitted. Now, the UI has been updated to clearly indicate when users lack the necessary access rights before they attempt to make requests related to Audiences, Sources, Destinations, Fields, Mappings, etc.

Graceful Handling of Removed Users

When a user is removed from a Lytics account, it's typical for the tasks or audiences they created to remain active. Previously, this situation led to errors across the interface, particularly when reviewing a Source or Destination in Conductor. A warning would appear with minimal details following the user's removal. This behavior has now been amended, and the interface will display "Removed User" in the "created by" field to clarify the status.

Lytics Consent Modifications for Google and Amazon

We've released an update regarding consent for the Lytics Google Customer Match Export, Google DV360 Audience Export, and Amazon DSP: Sync Cookies/Email Export. Here is an overview of what has changed and where improvements have been made.

New Interest Engines section

The new Interest Engines tab within the Content section of the left-hand navigation menu surfaces different configurations for content taxonomies and their related Affinities. This concept is called Interest Engines, which is also the tab's name in the navigation.