How is "bot" traffic identified?

When data is collected using the Lytics JavaScript Tag, bot traffic will automatically be identified. This identification occurs during the collect and ingest process by analyzing the user-agent for patterns commonly associated with bots. In most cases these patterns are clearly identified by their origin such as Google. During this identification process a key, \_uabot, is added to the default payload being collected and sent to your data stream. This key will have a value of either t(true) or f(false). This particular value is surfaced as a user field which can then be filtered in or out of your Lytics audiences. User-agents are always changing and evolving. Though Lytics makes its best effort to accurately identify bots, there are certainly exceptions. For these cases an optional account setting has been put in place which surfaces the full user-agent as a key/value pair during data collection. This can then be used in tandem with LQL for more specific filters or rule-building based on your specific use cases.

What SSO options are available on Lytics?

Lytics currently supports Service Provider (SP)-initiated SSO using [Google Cloud Identity Platform]( Please refer to the documents below for details on each implementation: [SP-initiated SSO with Lytics](

Will a tag manager affect my website's performance?

No, tag managers behave asynchronously to avoid degrading website performance and offering a poor user experience. This means that when a user loads a page on your website, the tags you've added won't block the page from rendering for the user. Contrast this with synchronous behavior, which would stop the page from fully loading until all of the tags had finished loading. Google Tag Manager's Developer Guide [explains how async behavior works in GTM](

What is a data layer?

The term "data layer" sounds technical but can be thought of as simply a bucket for holding special values that your tags may need - dynamic data like the current state of a shopping cart, for example. In order to function on a website along with your tags, the data layer must be implemented in JavaScript. Speaking more technically, the data layer is a JavaScript variable that often represents an array - JavaScript's way of representing a list of arbitrary values: ``` <script> var exampleDataLayer = []; // an empty JavaScript array </script> ``` Google Tag Manager's Developer Guide walks through setting up a data layer specifically for GTM. Mozilla's web docs include [an introduction to JavaScript arrays](

What is a tag manager?

A tag manager simplifies the scripts loaded by your website, going from this: ``` <script src="analytics.js"> <script src="personalization.js"> <script src="adroll.js"> ... <script src="another-tag.js"> <script src="and-another-tag.js"> ``` to this: ``` <script src="your-tag-manager.js"> ``` In addition, you bypass some amount of prerequisite web development knowledge. You longer need to edit your website's source code directly - the tag manager handles that. Once the Tag Manager snippet has been added, you'll work with your tags via a user-friendly interface.

How is a 'visit' or 'session' defined in Lytics?

A new session is started after 30 minutes of inactivity. For example, the Audience rule "Total Number of Visits" is a count of the key \_sesstart which is picked up by the Lytics Javascript tag. It is defned by: Length of time a between requests necessary before starting a new session. 1800 seconds by default. See the tag configuration documentation for more info.

I added the Lytics JStag to my site and I'm seeing around 10 requests, is this right?

When the Lytics tag loads for the first time several requests are made. There can be up to two libraries being loaded, one is for tracking and the other is for personalization. There are a couple calls for each sending data back to Lytics for tracking and to check for active personalize campaigns. All are expected and required for functionality. After the initial load, the number of calls will drop. Additionally, all the calls are asynchronous and will not affect your site performance.

How can I send the Lytics _uid (cookie ID) with event data to another 3rd party platform?

We save our unique identifiers \_uid as a cookie named seerid so that can be pulled from the cookie, but we also have a built in function that works with our Javascript snippet. You can use this to pull the \_uid on any page you want: ``` jstag.ckieGet('seerid') ``` If you would like to gather this data via our APIs, check out the documentation for the personalization endpoint.

Can the Lytics Tag be added to my mobile app?

For apps built using mobile web technology, the Lytics JS Tag may be used to collect data and personalize your customers experience. For native mobile apps we recommend using our fully supported iOS and/or Android SDKs.

My site is already tagged, do I have to start over?

No, Lytics will pull in a variety of available data such as data stored in the data layer of popular tag managers and additional JavaScript objects or cookie data can be defined to be pull in. Generally, if your site is tagged up we can work with you on a simple solution to prevent re-creating work. See Working with Tag Managers or contact Lytics Support for assistance.