Upload CSV files (may be gzipped). They MUST contain headers: either
in first row (by default) OR in headers querystring field.
If the file contains a timestamp field you want us to use
see timestamp_field querystring parameter for how we extract it.
Note Domain this api is on a different domain because the domain
is limited to 10MB file uploads.
# the "user_regdata" is the STREAM (ie Type) of data, if there
# is multiple different types of data (userdata, emaildata, events)
# they would have different streams.
# user data
curl -s -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" \
-H 'Content-type: application/csv' \
--data-binary @users.csv \
"" \
| jq '.'
# only do a dry-run to see if it is formatted correctly
curl -s "$LIODATAKEY×tamp_field=register_date&dryrun=true" \
--data-binary @users.csv -H 'Content-type: application/csv' | jq '.'
# append fields to each row
# where append = urlencode({"source":"crm"})
# often used when file-name contains information
curl -s "$LIODATAKEY" \
--data-binary @users.csv -H 'Content-type: application/csv' | jq '.'
# full example uploading gzipped file
echo 'user_id,email,reg_date,item_count
7456,[email protected],"2012-10-17T17:29:39.738Z",82
1234,[email protected],"2012-12-11T19:53:31.547Z",82' > users.csv
gzip users.csv
curl -s "$LIODATAKEY×tamp_field=reg_date&dryrun=true&filename=users.csv" \
--data-binary @users.csv.gz \
-H 'Content-type: application/csv' | jq '.'