Subscription Upsert

Upsert a new Subscription. Subscriptions allow you to listen and recieve
notification of events inside of Lytics, most common would be listen
to users entering/leaving segments to serve as triggers.

When creating subscriptions they have the following fields.

channelstringRequired: What Type of subscription. [kinesis, webhook]
namestringName of this Subscription
descriptionstringLong text description (optional)
segment_ids[]stringList of segment Ids
withbackfillboolShould all members of this segment be included? They will be marked as "entered" segment.

Webhook only fields:

webhook_urlstringRequired for Webhooks, only used on webhooks, url to post to.
headersmap[string]stringOptional map of headers to send with webhook
segmentio_writekeystringOptional api key for sending to

Kinesis only fields:

regionstringRequired. AWS Region
streamstringRequired. Kinesis stream
role_arnstringAWS IAM Role to use for assume-role (see integrations doc)
identifier_fieldstringOptional. If provided, pull this field from user field and use as shard-key in Kinesis Put.

Create a Webhook Subscription that includes the Segment definition and custom headers (optional)

curl -s -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -XPOST "" -d '
    "segmentql": "FILTER AND ( score_momentum > 25, score_quantity > 25 ) ALIAS seg_webhook1",
    "channel" : "webhook",
    "description":"hello world",
    "headers": {"Authorization": "dGhpczp0aGF0"}
' | jq "."

Create a Webhook subscription with list of SegmentId's (previously created)
to listen to.

curl -s -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -XPOST "" -d '
    "segment_ids": ["1234abcd","abc345"],
    "description":"hello world",
' | jq "."

Create a Kinesis Subscription

curl -s -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -XPOST "" -d '
    "segment_ids": ["1234abcd","abc345"],
    "description":"hello world",
    "region": "us-east-1",
' | jq "."

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!