What are custom integrations?

Custom integrations help you get data in and out of Lytics when a direct integration is not available. Audiences in Lytics can be exported as a CSV file via email, or dropped onto an SFTP server of your choosing. CSV files are readily consumed by many service providers allowing for a quick, manual transfer of data. Data from web services without a direct integration can be imported into Lytics through custom integrations. Most services provide a CSV or JSON data file export, which Lytics can consume as a custom data stream. Once a data file is exported from your service provider, it can be uploaded to an SFTP server where it will be picked up and read in as a new data source. The integration can be configured to run on a continual basis, so if data files are placed into the SFTP hourly or daily basis, the files will be processed as they come in. See our Custom Integration documentation for more detailed information.

How do I set up my SFTP folder to post or download files to Lytics?

1. From Data > Integrations in the Lytics interface, select the custom integrations tile. 2. Select Import CSV. 3. Select Use Lytics Managed SFTP Instead. Your SFTP account is now set up. The host to connect to will be Contact Lytics Support for your specific login credentials. Please note that SFTP access is limited to an SFTP client and is NOT accessible via web based / browser login. The Lytics managed SFTP service was updated as of June 1, 2020. See this article for more information.

How do I identify my email subscribers on link clickthrough?

Lytics is capable of pulling query string parameters out of urls and this can be used to identify your email subscribers on your website when they click through an email link. Each email tool may have a different way of supporting custom values in an email template. As an example, lets look at Mailchimp: Mailchimp has the concept of a merge tag in their email templates. You can use the _|UNIQID|_ merge tag to insert the user's unique Mailchimp ID into the output of your email template. Simply include this value as a query param value in the URL you are linking to in the email. If the destination page has the Lytics Javascript tag on it, we will automatically collect this query param, and it can be mapped in such a way that it is recognized as a unique identifier. If you need assistance setting this up for your email tool, reach out to their support team for details on how to set up the dynamic link. Then contact Lytics Support for further assistance with mapping and testing.

I am receiving the error "Parameter for Custom Dimension is too long (max 150)" from Google Analytics, what should I do?

Google Analytics has a limit on the number of characters (bytes) for custom dimensions. It is set at 150 bytes which means if you attempt to pass a group of audiences from Lytics to GA where the total is over 150 characters you will receive a warning (Parameter for Custom Dimension is too long (max 150)) in GA or Google Tag Manager and the audiences will not be received in GA. You can attempt to overcome this by reducing the name lengths of your audiences or by deselecting API access while editing the audience in question. Disabling API access means the segments will not be 'public' and therefore will not be passed to GA.

Does the AWS S3 export support diffs?

Currently, our AWS S3 export operates on full segment scans. This means that each export will contain all users in the selected audiences. Supporting diffs is under consideration for a future enhancement but is not currently available.

How do I update my authorization credentials for an existing integration?

The best way to update an authorization is to add a new authorization for the integration that is changing. Lytics Support can help with this transition.

How do I know my integration is working?

You can verify that data is coming into Lytics by navigating to Data -> Data Streams. The default stream, unless otherwise configured will contain your web data and then you will see your other integrations in the drop down of stream names. Each stream page will show you the last time we received data. To verify data is being exported from Lytics you can always check in the tool in question, but you can also view the history of activity for the integration from the overview page. Under Data -> Integrations click on the tile for the integration in question. If you're already running the integration you will automatically be taken to the overview page which will show you a list of running imports and exports as well as the history of events for those works. If you believe that an integration is not working as expected, please reach out to Lytics Support.

My site content changed. Can Lytics ignore the old topics and affinities?

If the structure and topics of your website change, you may want Lytics to ignore old content and start analyzing new content. This would ensure that your content topics and affinities on Lytics are only based on your current site content. However, there are potential side effects of purging all previous content. In doing so, you may impact historic affinities and lose valuable user profile information. For example, previously was about birthday cakes, but after restructuring, it is now about cupcakes. When new content affinities are calculated, your users will show affinity for cupcakes, even though they formerly viewed content about birthday cakes. Without any versioning, content affinities are formed based on whatever topics are currently associated with your content, regardless of what users actually saw at a previous time. If you would like to proceed with a content refresh, please contact Lytics Support for assistance.

Sometimes I see content articles that are not from my site domain. Why?

This is most often caused by a referral visit where we receive the referral URL in an event. Lytics will enrich any event with a url field included in it. To ensure that only your domains are being enriched by Lytics, we can set up a list of allowed domains for your account. Then filter out any existing content of an incorrect domain in your account. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Can we merge our own content taxonomy with Lytics?

The Lytics Content Affinity Engine provides users with a taxonomy of rich tags on millions of topics. In most cases, the Lytics Content Affinity Engine provides users with all the topic modeling they need to power great personalization. In the event that you’d like to add your own taxonomy to what the Lytics Content Affinity Engine offers, you can add custom topics to the content graph and user affinities by adding a “meta” element to the web page. Here is an example: ``` <meta name="lytics:topics" content="Pants, Jeans" /> ``` After successfully updating the meta property, the custom topics will be processed by the Lytics Content Affinity Engine within a few hours.