Lytics setup
Hi Team, Thanks for setting up the Slack workspace. We've created a field called "testing_email" and set up two mappings for it. However, we're having trouble finding this field when trying to create an audience based on it. Could you please confirm if we're on the right track and help us out?
Posted by Darshan L C about 1 month ago
How do you A/B Test within Lytics Audiences?
A/B testing within Lytics Audiences can be used to understand how Lytics Audiences are performing. Using a random generator generator, Lytics assigns 2 random numbers to each user profile calls _splits_. These fields are named `Random Split 1` and `Random Split 2`.
To use these fields, log in to Lytics and navigate to the **Audience** -> **Create New Audience**, then search for **Random Split 1** or **Random Split 2** within **Custom Rule**. These fields evenly assign a value from 0-99. To create an audience of 1% of the population, select a number (47 in the example below) and use the `equals` operator.
![A/B Split1 ](//
To create random groups smaller than 1% of the population, you can leverage both of the split fields. In the example below, we create an audience of roughly 0.5% of the total user base by defining `Split 1 = 47` and `Split 2 < 50`.
![A/B Split2](//
\*Note that this field is approximate and won't necessarily be perfectly distributed.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago
How long does it take for my audiences to update in Lytics?
Audiences membership update in real-time as data is received by the Lytics platform. As event data is received from your multiple channels, Lytics determines if this new data effects audience membership, the Lytics platform will move the user into and out of the audiences that you have defined.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago
What are characteristics?
Characteristics are a type of pre-defined audience, meant to represent factual information about a user with the sole purpose of enhancing audience segmentation capabilities. For instance, the “Has Email” characteristic is comprised of all profiles that have some value for email. This can be viewed as an aggregate, how many users are a member of “Has Email,” or on the individual profile level.
It is best to think of characteristics as a high-level analytics metric as well as a set of predefined building blocks for your custom segments.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago
Why my audience is not being returned in the Lytics Javascript tag?
You will need to check the Enable API option in the audience editor of the audience you would like to see returned to the Javascript tag.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago
Why are my audiences different sizes on different pages?
Lytics regularly caches the sizes of audiences to increase the responsiveness of the interface. If you have recently edited a segment, or have just sent large amount of event data, the dashboard and summary pages may have an out-of-date audience size. To see the most accurate audience size, view the audience and click the pencil icon to edit. The audience editor will always show the most up-to-date segment size.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago
What are pre-defined audiences?
All Lytics accounts comes out-of-the-box with some universally useful pre-defined audiences.
- All users
- New users
- Highly engaged users
- Currently engaged users
- Previously engaged users
- Disengaged users
- Unscored users
- These audiences are immediately accessible in the audience section of the Lytics interface.
Lytics also offers pre-defined audiences called "characteristics" which you can see on the dashboard as metrics. These include users who are highly engaged in the most active topics in the account's content taxonomy. And some channel specific behavioral audiences.
Like any other audience, pre-defined audiences can be used as building blocks to incorporate into other segments that you may build.
Posted by Mark Hayden over 1 year ago