Do you provide a Common Schema that we can use to standardize our data model?

From a partner:

JS event or function when campaign loads

Is there a way for me to know that the campaign has loaded on my site? Is there any hook to tie into?

Personalization Engine - Tag Implementation - CMS Plugin or Google Tag Manager?

From an agency partner:

Usage statistics in BigQuery

We manage several Lytics accounts and want to keep a close look on our usage. Which type of export to BigQuery do you suggest? I'm using Export Activity Data. What to do when using multiple data streams? Is there a field to identify the lytics account?

Profile Stitching - Connect anonymous visitor ID with email address?

From one of our agency partners:

Machine learning

Do Lytics support Machine Learning?

Any Audit Informations exists for a profile in Lytics

The profile information's in our Lytics account are created through Lytics API and frequently the profile details are getting updated within via Lytics API calls from our internal systems.

Do you offer support services that are 100% located in EU?