Any Audit Informations exists for a profile in Lytics

The profile information's in our Lytics account are created through Lytics API and frequently the profile details are getting updated within via Lytics API calls from our internal systems.


Where can we get the definition for the following fields? How are these fields derived? (e.g. _num_events)

In a user audience, there are some fields that is not related to any data stream (these were not custom defined fields as the "stream" value is blank).


I am receiving the error "unable to load lytics synchronously: defaulting to asynchronous", what can I do?

The reason you are seeing this is because you are most likely using the legacy Lytics synchronous tag in Google Tag Manager. GTM is loaded asynchronously and works best using our asynchronous tag.


Can I collect user data from Twitter?

Twitter has fairly rich APIs that enable marketers to download vast troves of data. Most of this data is not in a format that is easily accessible to Lytics since identifying events would not map to our user profiles. Some marketers make use of Twitter by downloading .csv files of key customer audiences for ad targeting on Twitter. This tactic may make sense for you, reach out to Lytics Support to explore more options.


Why has my integration stopped working?

If you have previously successfully connected a third party tool to Lytics and you discover that integration is no longer importing or exporting. You may try stopping the existing export and starting a new one. If you are not able to set up a new version this is likely because you need to reauthorize.


Can you integrate with a tool that's not on the integrations list?

For the most part, our list of integrations in the Lytics interface reflects most tools we currently integrate with natively. Some integrations work through our Javascript tag and may not be reflected in the interface. Reach out to our support team to check if we have any existing connector with your tool. We can also develop new integrations for customers as part of a service agreement.


What are custom integrations?

Custom integrations help you get data in and out of Lytics when a direct integration is not available.


How do I set up my SFTP folder to post or download files to Lytics?

  1. From Data > Integrations in the Lytics interface, select the custom integrations tile.
  2. Select Import CSV.
  3. Select Use Lytics Managed SFTP Instead.