How long does it take to classify my content?

Within 24-48 hours of installing the Lytics tag, content topics should begin populating in Lytics. If no content is showing in the Lytics interface, please ensure there are no soft paywalls on your website and that anonymous visitors can access your content. If you do have a paywall please contact Lytics Support. We can help you allow Lytics to process URLs or to get credentials to access them.

What is content classification?

Content classification refers to the task of assigning one or more categories or topics to a document, which can be a URL, an email, ad, or other content types. The Lytics Content Affinity Engine uses a self-updating, graph-based content model that represents every topic with its hierarchical relationship to other topics.

Why am I seeing irrelevant or generic topics in my Content?

In some cases, you may see topics in the Lytics interface that seem completely irrelevant or unrelated. One possible explanation for this is that our content enrichment process is attempting to enrich "sparse" URLs - URLs that contain very little information and text. You can block these topics so that they do not show in the future.

I have added meta topics to my website. How do I confirm Lytics is receiving them?

If you have added custom meta tags to your website, like so: ``` <meta name="lytics:topic" value="Used Cars"> ``` And they have yet to show up in the topics list; this may be because, by default, Lytics only displays 500 topics. So if you have just started adding topics to your website for Lytics to scrape, it may take some time for these topics to appear in the list in the UI. If you would like to have more topics available in your account, please get in touch with Lytics Support. You can always request our APIs to verify that the topics are being received. For example, we can make a POST request to the segment scan API to receive a list of documents with the topic(s). Here is an example payload for such a request: ``` FILTER AND ( EXISTS global.`Used Cars` ) FROM content ```

Can Lytics web modals support the accessibility requirements for my site?

By default, the Pathfora SDK (which powers Lytics Personalization) uses Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes on the HTML elements that make up the generated modals. The CSS of any modal can also be customized to fit the accessibility needs of your website. For more info, see our documentation on custom CSS.

What is reach?

Reach is the number of unique individuals who have seen the campaign.

What is conversion rate?

The conversion rate for a campaign is the proportion of people who engaged with the call to action, compared to the number of people who were reached. During a campaign, the conversion rate will stabilize and become more accurate as the size of both groups increases.

How can I prevent a duplicated campaign from staying "archived"?

When creating a duplicate of a campaign that has been archived, the duplicate may also appear archived and can't be run or previewed. This happens when publishing the duplicate campaign without first updating the dates it will run on. The dates can be updated on the display section of the campaign editor.

Can I personalize the message and body text of my campaign at the user level?

Yes, for example you may wish to include a custom greeting to a user who's name you have in Lytics. You can do this by entering the name of the Lytics field in brackets when entering your text in the Lytics interface: ``` Welcome back {{first_name}}! ``` Please note, that for users to see this campaign they must have the first_name field present on their Lytics profile. So a users without a first name on file wouldn't see this campaign. However, you can set a default value to appear if the field does not exist: ``` Welcome back {{first_name | valued customer}}! ``` In this case, if a user came to your website and their name was on file they would see a customized greeting with their name. But a user with no name on file would see "Welcome back valued customer!".

Can I make it so that clicking the CTA of a drive traffic campaign opens the link in a new tab?

Yes. You can completely customize the CTA action using a Javascript callback function. Contact Lytics Support with details on the campaign and the desired behavior of the CTA for assistance.