Will Lytics affect the load time of my site?

This depends on the installation. For accounts using the asynchronous tag, our default and recommended approach, Lytics will never affect page load times. All of our processing and collection is done in the background while your website loads normally. For those using the legacy synchronous tag, it is possible for Lytics to affect load times. However, our services will timeout after two seconds and fail gracefully so there is little chance of a prolonged delay in loading due to Lytics related code or services. Proper defaults or fallbacks should be put in place to handle the absence of data returned from Lytics in those instances. If you are using this legacy tag, see our migration instructions or reach out to Lytics support to discuss switching to a more recent version of our tag.

Does Lytics surface a canonical - or at least unique - user ID within the platform or its integrations?

Lytics offers a field called "Lytics ID" stored on the profile as "\_id." The Lytics ID plays a crucial role as an attribute, acting as a unique identifier for each profile within the Lytics platform. It's important to note that the Lytics ID is derived by anonymizing the profile's primary key/value string. This ensures that the Lytics ID remains consistent and unique, with the primary key representing the highest-ranked identifier present on the profile. When it comes to merging profiles, Lytics employs a specific mechanism to determine the Lytics ID for the merged profile. In such cases, the highest-ranking profile ID is selected as the primary identifier once the merge operator delineates how the fields should be mapped and consolidated. The Lytics ID can be utilized for downstream operations and exported for various purposes. It is a reliable means to identify and distinguish individual users within the Lytics ecosystem and its integrations.

How long does it take for data to become available for use in the audience builder?

User data is available to an audience within minutes of event data being received. You may experience a delay in the Lytics dashboard when previewing the values of a field if new values have been recently received. Our platform caches the visualizations and UI elements on a regular basis to display new field values. If you are not seeing the data that you expect after a few hours of sending it, please contact Lytics Support with a detailed description of the situation.

Can I use offline data with Lytics?

Yes. For our Enterprise customers, Lytics offers professional services to onboard user-level data from sources such as internal databases, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and flat CSV files. To learn more, please contact Lytics Support or your Lytics account representative.

I have a large amount of data, are there any limits to the Lytics platform?

Default limits exist to ensure proper data integrity for client accounts and optimum performance of the Lytics platform. Overall, the Lytics platform is designed to receive a large amount of event data. Data is processed and stored as it arrives. Relevant information is applied to user profiles, which causes users to enter and leave Lytics audiences as events are received. Due to the graph database architecture of the Lytics Customer Data Platform, the speed of the platform is not adversely affected by large amounts of data per user as it does not need to lookup and update the entire user to provide accurate audience membership statistics. If you plan on sending more than 1,000 events per second, please reach out to Lytics Support to prevent your account from being throttled.

Can I use Google _utm data in Lytics?

Yes, by default Lytics makes all UTM data available for segmentation when we see it. We recommend populating all of your campaigns with all relevant and available UTM data fields.

Can I track opens and clicks from email with Lytics?

Yes, most of the Lytics email integrations import activity data such as clicks and opens by default through their APIs. You can further configure the links in your emails to help collect additional data that may assist in merging anonymous and known profiles. Reach out to our support team ([email protected]) for more information.

How far back does user history go?

Lytics processes and stores the complete history of a user. As long as Lytics has received an event for a user, it is stored indefinitely.

Why am I no longer seeing a field in the raw data stream?

The data streams section of the Lytics interface automatically filters out fields that occur less than 0.1% of the time and that haven't been seen in the past 7 days.

Can Lytics collect data from Accelerated Mobile Pages?

It is possible to send data into Lytics from Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) using the amp-analytics component by treating Lytics as an in-house analytics provider. ``` <amp-analytics> <script type="application/json"> { "transport": { "beacon": false, "xhrpost": false, "image": true }, "vars": { "anonymousId": "CLIENT_ID(AMP_ECID_GOOGLE,,_ga)", "cid": "[your lytics cid]" }, "requests": { "host": "", "base": "${cid}?amp_id=${anonymousId}&url=${canonicalUrl}&_ul=${browserLanguage}&_ref=${documentReferrer}&_sz=${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}&_v=amp", "page": "${host}/${base}_e=pv&name=${name}", "track": "${host}/${base}&event=${event}" }, "triggers": { "page": { "on": "visible", "request": "page" } }, "linkers": { "lytics": { "_uid": { "l_amp_id": "${anonymousId}" }, "proxyOnly": false } }, "cookies": { "_ga": { "value": "LINKER_PARAM(lytics, l_amp_id)" } } } </script> </amp-analytics> ```