Profile Delete Request

Deletes a single Entity (normally a user).

This API persists a deletion event for the particular profile provided. This operation is asynchronous; it will take
some time for the profile to be removed from downstream databases and indexes. This request returns a "request_id"
which may be used to determine the status of that deletion. While the profile may become unavailable quickly, it may
take a while for the full process to complete since it includes all archived historic data.

# Delete user whose "user_id" = "userdeleteme12"
# user_id can be any by-field

curl -s -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" \
  -XDELETE "" | jq '.'

Use Cases

  • GDPR right to be forgotten, a user asks for profile to be deleted.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!