Query Validation

Upload a query for syntax validation only.

Optionally, a segments=true parameter can be passed that
will validate this query both for syntax, as well as checking
that it doesn't invalidate existing segments. If a segment
uses a field that this query is about to remove/alter such
that the segment is no longer valid, this will warn.

# validate query syntax
curl -s -XPOST "https://api.lytics.io/api/query/_validate" \
   -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" \
   -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
   --data-binary @your_file.lql

# validate query syntax AND segments still valid
curl -s -XPOST "https://api.lytics.io/api/query/_validate?segments=true" \
   -H "Authorization: $LIOKEY" \
   -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
   --data-binary @your_file.lql

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!