
Acoustic (previously known as Silverpop) is a marketing platform that enables email, SMS, and mobile campaigns, among other marketing analytics and automation solutions.

Integrating Lytics with Acoustic allows you to import users and their activity data to build behavioral audiences and gain Insights in Lytics. You can then export Lytics audiences back to Acoustic to refine your targeting and deliver personalized messaging.


If you have not done so already, you will need to set up an Acoustic account before you begin the process described below. Your Acoustic account user must have permission to create Application Access via the API.

  1. Select Acoustic from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Full Auth method for authorization.
  3. Enter a Label to identify your authorization.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your authorization.
  5. Enter your Client ID for the application that you have created in your Acoustic account. For more information, please refer to Acoustic Documentation.
  6. Enter the Client Secret for your entered Client ID.
  7. Enter the Pod number of your Acoustic Campaign. You can find the Pod information in Account Setting page of your Acoustic account. For example, if it is Pod 2 then just enter 2.
  8. Enter Refresh Token that you have created to grant Lytics access. For more information, please refer to Acoustic Documentation.
  9. Enter your SFTP Username for the Acoustic Account.
  10. Enter your SFTP Password for the above SFTP User. You can use your own credentials here, or create a new user for this integration.
  11. Click Save Authorization.


For this integration, it is recommended to create a new Acoustic User specific for Lytics with the option Do not enforce password expiration policies for this user selected so the authentication is long lasting, and can be revoked on an account by account basis.

Import Audiences & Activity

Import Acoustic users and their activity information into Lytics so you can leverage that data to build behavioral audiences and gain Insights powered by Lytics data science.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: XML API Integration to download CSV formatted data.
  • Frequency: Data is imported as a Batch Integration; imported once, or every 8 hours on a continuous basis.
  • Resulting Data: Full Lytics user profiles for all Acoustic users complete with activity data.

This integration utilizes the Acoustic XML API to import Acoustic users and their activity to Lytics. Each run of the job will proceed as follows:

  1. Exports users from the selected Acoustic Database as a CSV file to an Acoustic-manged SFTP server. The CSV files are then read and imported to the silverpop_users stream in Lytics.
  2. Exports email activity from users in the selected Acoustic Database as a CSV file to an Acoustic-manged SFTP server. The CSV files are then read and imported to the silverpop_activity stream in Lytics.
  3. After successful completion, the job will import new/updated users with their updated activity every 8 hours if configured to run continuously.


The following fields are included in the default mapping for the silverpop_users stream. Note this integration was formerly named Silverpop, hence the data stream name, but this job will receive your current Acoustic data.

Source FieldLytics User FieldDescriptionType
emailemail unique_idEmail Addressstring
First Namefirst_nameFirst Namestring
Last Namelast_nameLast Namestring
Email Typesp_email_typeAcoustic Email Typestring
map(list, Opted Out)sp_list_optout_statusAcoustic Optout Status by Listmap[string]string
map(list, todate(Opted Out Date))sp_list_opt_out_dateAcoustic Opt Out Date by Listmap[string]time
map(list, todate(Opt In Date))sp_list_opt_in_dateAcoustic Opt In Date by Listmap[string]time
map(list, Opt In Details)sp_list_opt_in_detailsAcoustic Opt In Detailsmap[string]string
emaildomain(email)emaildomainEmail Domainstring

Similarly, the following fields are included in the default mapping for the silverpop_activity stream:

Source FieldLytics User FieldDescriptionType
Emailemail unique idstring
emailemaildomainEmail Domainstring
UrlhashedurlsHashed Urls Visitedmap[string]intsum
max(epochms())last_active_tsLast Active on Any Channeldate
Campaign Idsv_campaign_idsAcoustic Campaign the send originated from[]string
eventsv_clickctAcoustic Click countint
Event Typesv_email_eventAcoustic Eventsmap[string]intsum
Urlsv_email_urlsAcoustic URLs[]string
min(epochms())sv_firstclick_tsAcoustic First Clickdate
min(epochms())sv_firstopen_tsAcoustic First Opendate
min(epochms())sv_firstsent_tsAcoustic First Sentnumber
hourofday()sv_hourlyopenAcoustic Hourly Eventsmap[string]intsum
hourofweek()sv_hourofweekAcoustic Hour of Week Eventsmap[string]intsum
max(epochms())sv_lastclick_tsAcoustic Last Clickdate
max(epochms())sv_lastopen_tsAcoustic Last Opendate
max(epochms())sv_lastsent_tsAcoustic Last Sentdate
list_idsv_list_idsAcoustic List the send originated from[]string
Mailing Idsv_mailing_idsAcoustic Mailing the send originated from[]string
Mailing Namesv_mailing_namesAcoustic Mailing Names[]string
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_click_countAcoustic Mailing Names Click Countmap[string]intsum
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_clickedAcoustic Mailing Names Clicked[]string
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_open_countAcoustic Mailing Names Open Countmap[string]intsum
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_openedAcoustic Mailing Names Opened[]string
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_sentAcoustic Mailing Names Sent[]string
Mailing Namesv_mailing_names_sent_countAcoustic Mailing Name Sent Countmap[string]intsum
yymm()sv_monthlyAcoustic Opens By Monthmap[string]intsum
eventsv_openctAcoustic Open countint
Program Idsv_program_idsAcoustic Program Ids[]string
min(epochms())sv_subscribe_tsAcoustic Subscribe Timedate
min(epochms())sv_unsubscribe_tsAcoustic Unsubscribe Timedate


Follow these steps to set up an Import Audiences and Activity Data job for Acoustic.

  1. Select Acoustic from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Import Audiences and Activity Data job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. From the Type dropdown, select the Acoustic source type: database, list, or query.
  7. From the Source dropdown, select the Acoustic source to import user data from. acoustic-import-pt1
  8. Click on the Show Advanced Options tab to expand the advanced configuration.
  9. Check the Keep Updated checkbox to update the list every 8 hours.
  10. In the Activity Start field, enter the date to import activity from. The default is to retrieve one year of activity.
  11. Click Start Import.

Export Audiences

Send Lytics user profiles and audience membership to your Acoustic Database to refine your targeting and deliver personalized messaging across channels. All existing users and new users of the selected Lytics audiences are exported.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: API Integration , Audience Trigger Integration .
  • Frequency: Real-time Integration.
  • Resulting data: Lytics users are exported to Acoustic Database.

This integration utilizes the Acoustic Import List API to export user data from Lytics to the Acoustic Database. Once the export is started, the job:

  1. Creates the column mapping file according to the fields selected during configuration and uploads to the Acoustic Campaign SFTP server.
  2. Writes the users that are part of selected Lytics audiences to the CSV file and initiates the CSV Import job in Acoustic.
  3. The updates will be sent to Acoustic every minute or a batch of 10000 users, whichever occurs first.


You can export any Lytics user fields to Acoustic Database columns that are present in the selected Acoustic Database. Lytics allows you to map user fields with the corresponding Acoustic Database columns as part of the job configuration described below.

To export using the Acoustic Recipient ID as the sync field use the Acoustic Export Audience with Recipient ID export.


Follow these steps to set up an Export Audiences job for Acoustic.

  1. Select Acoustic from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Export Audiences job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. From the Acoustic Database dropdown, select the Acoustic database to populate with Lytics users.
  7. Using the Audience list, select the Lytics audiences to export. As users enter or exit the selected audience(s) their record will be sent to Acoustic.
  8. From the Sync Fields mapping, choose the sync fields that are used to match and identify users like unique ID or email. At least one sync field must be specified.
  9. From the Additional Map Fields, map additional fields that you would like to send from Lytics to Acoustic by selecting the Lytics field on the left, and its Acoustic destination on the right.
  10. From Fields to Trigger, select up to 75 user fields to trigger user change events. For any user in the exported audience, if any of the selected field values change, then the user will be updated in Acoustic.
  11. Check the Create New Contacts checkbox to create new contacts in Acoustic if they do not already exist.
  12. Check the Update Contacts checkbox to update fields of existing contacts in Acoustic.
  13. In the Single Audience Field text field, select a field or enter a name to create a field to write the additional Lytics audiences to. If the field is left empty, a Yes/No field is created for each selected Lytics audience.
  14. (Optional) In the Single Audience File Empty String text field, specify this to a value like "null" to represent an empty audience. Otherwise, an empty string is sent by default.
  15. Check the Keep Updated checkbox to continuously export users as they enter the audience.
  16. From the Time of Day dropdown, select a time of day to complete export each day. Export will sync every hour if left empty.
  17. From the Timezone dropdown, select the timezone for time of day specified above.
  18. Click Start Export.

Export Audiences with Recipient ID

Send Lytics user profiles and audience membership to your Acoustic Database to refine your targeting and deliver personalized messaging across channels. All existing users and new users of the selected Lytics audiences are exported.


This export is specifically used for exporting using the Acoustic Recipient ID as the sync field. It will only update users already in Acoustic with a Recipient ID. In order to add users to Acoustic or if you would like to use other sync fields use the standard Acoustic Export Audience export.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: API Integration , Audience Trigger Integration .
  • Frequency: Real-time Integration.
  • Resulting data: Lytics users are exported to Acoustic Database.

This integration utilizes the Acoustic Import List API to export user data from Lytics to the Acoustic Database. Once the export is started, the job:

  1. Creates the column mapping file according to the fields selected during configuration and uploads to the Acoustic Campaign SFTP server.
  2. Writes the users that are part of selected Lytics audiences to the CSV file and initiates the CSV Import job in Acoustic.
  3. The updates will be sent to Acoustic every 5 minutes or a batch of 10000 users, whichever occurs first.


You can export any Lytics user fields to Acoustic Database columns that are present in the selected Acoustic Database. Lytics allows you to map user fields with the corresponding Acoustic Database columns as part of the job configuration described below.


Follow these steps to set up an Export Audiences job for Acoustic.

  1. Select Acoustic from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Export Audiences job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. From the Acoustic Database dropdown, select the Acoustic database to populate with Lytics users.
  7. Using the Audience list, select the Lytics audiences to export. As users enter or exit the selected audience(s) their record will be sent to Acoustic.
  8. From the Recipient ID field, choose the field that contains the Acoustic Recipient ID in Lytics.
  9. From the Additional Map Fields, map additional fields that you would like to send from Lytics to Acoustic by selecting the Lytics field on the left, and its Acoustic destination on the right.
  10. From Fields to Trigger, select up to 75 user fields to trigger user change events. For any user in the exported audience, if any of the selected field values change, then the user will be updated in Acoustic.
  11. In the Single Audience Field text field, select a field or enter a name to create a field to write the additional Lytics audiences to. If the field is left empty, a Yes/No field is created for each selected Lytics audience.
  12. (Optional) In the Single Audience File Empty String text field, specify this to a value like "null" to represent an empty audience. Otherwise, an empty string is sent by default.
  13. Check the Keep Updated checkbox to continuously export users as they enter the audience.
  14. From the Time of Day dropdown, select a time of day to complete export each day. Export will sync every hour if left empty.
  15. From the Timezone dropdown, select the timezone for time of day specified above.
  16. Click Start Export.

Export Audiences to Relational Tables

Send Lytics user profile data and audience membership to your Acoustic Relational tables. All existing and new users of the selected audience are exported in real-time.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: API Integration , Audience Trigger Integration .
  • Frequency: Real-time Integration.
  • Resulting data: Lytics users are exported to Acoustic Relational Table.

This integration utilizes the Acoustic Relational Table Management api to export user data from Lytics to the Acoustic Relational Table. Once the export is started, the job:

  1. Creates or writes to the following tables depending on the configuration of the job (see the example below for a visual example),
    1. User table - the user identifier plus all scalar fields will be written to this table.
    2. Audience table - the user identifier plus a boolean (Yes/No) column for each Lytics audience exported. Users that belong to the audience will have true as value in the respective audience column, and similarly, will have false if the user does not belong to the audience.
    3. Non-scalar tables - for each non-scalar field exported a separate table will be created.
      1. For sets, the table will have a column for the user identifier plus a column called lytics_value with a row written for each value in the set.
      2. For maps, the table will have a column for the user identifier plus two columns, lytics_key and lytics_value with a row written for each key/value pair in the map.
  2. As users enter or exit the audience, rows will added or updated in the tables above
  3. The updates will be sent to Acoustic every 5 minutes or a batch of 1000 users, whichever occurs first.


You can export any Lytics user fields to Acoustic Relational Table. Lytics allows you to map user fields with the corresponding table columns as part of job configuration. The job also has option to create column in Acoustic table for Lytics user field.


Follow these steps to set up an Export Audiences job for Acoustic.

  1. Select Acoustic from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Export Audience to Acoustic Relational Table job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Using the Audiences list, select the Lytics audiences to export. As users enter or exit the selected audience(s) their record will be sent to Acoustic.
  7. From the Acoustic User Table dropdown, select the Acoustic relational table to populate with user profile data. Select Create New Table to create new user table with name lytics_user_table_{timestamp}. {timestamp} is replaced with current timestamp in format YYYYMMDDHHmmss.
  8. If Create New Table is selected, from the User Table Key Field dropdown, select the Lytics user field to be used as primary key for new user table. Should be left blank if writing to an existing table.
  9. If writing to an existing table, from the Acoustic User Table Mapping, map Lytics user fields that you would like to send from Lytics to corresponding Acoustic field. NOTE: All the key column for the selected Acoustic user table must be mapped.
  10. For either exporting to a new table or writing an existing table, from the Extra Fields list, select the additional Lytics user fields to export. These are extra scalar fields to be sent to Acoustic user table. Each field will be added as a separate column in the table.
  11. From the Acoustic Audience Membership Table dropdown, either select the Acoustic relational table to populate with audience information or select Create New Table. If the creation of a new audience table is selected, a table will be created with the name lytics_audiences_table_{timestamp}. {timestamp} is replaced with current timestamp in format YYYYMMDDHHmmss.
  12. If Create New Table is selected for the Acoustic audience membership table, in the Audience Membership Table Key Field dropdown, select the Lytics user field to be used as primary key for new audience membership table. Should be left blank if writing to an existing table.
  13. If writing to an existing audience table, from the Acoustic Audience Membership Table Key Mapping, map the keys from Lytics to the key columns in Acoustic. The primary key in Acoustic must be mapped.
  14. Using the Non-Scalar User Fields list, select any Lytics non-scalar user field to export. An Acoustic relational table with name lytics_{field-name}_table_{timestamp} will be created for each selected non-scalar field.
  15. If exporting non-scalar fields, from the Non-Scalar Field Table Key Field dropdown, select Lytics user field to be used as primary key for all new non-scalar field table.
  16. Select Existing Users to send users currently in the Lytics audience to Acoustic.
  17. Click Complete to create the job.


Below is an example of a user exported and how they may look in Acoustic.

Sample User
  "email": "james@lytics.com",
  "first_name": "James",
  "last_name": "McDermott",
  "channels": [ "web", "email" ],
  "hourly": {
    "17": 1,
    "21": 1,
    "23": 2
  "segments": {

User Table: lytics_user_table_20240408220715


Audience Table: lytics_audiences_table_20240408220715


Non-scalar table for channels: lytics_channels_table_20240408220715


Non-scalar table for hourly: lytics_hourly_table_20240408220715
