Meta Fields

A meta field is a field that has been automatically been added to your Schema by Lytics.


Meta fields are not integration specific. For lists of fields created for specific integrations, reference the documentation for the tool of interest.

Meta Fields

Field IDShort DescriptionData TypeSummary
_createdCreated TimestampdateThe earliest historic timestamp found across all data sources
_idLytics IDstringCanonical identifier from Lytics identity resolution
_last_scoredLast Scored TimestampdateTimestamp indicating when the profile was last scored
_modifiedModified TimestampdateTimestamp indicating when the profile was last modifed
_segmentsSegment Membership[]stringAll of the segments to which a profile currently belongs
_segsComputed TraitsmembershipSegment history (shows in and out times for segment membership)
_splitRandom Split 1intRandom profile partitions (0 - 99)
_split2Random Split 2intRandom profile partitions (0 - 99)
_num_aliases--intThe number of identifiers in the profile
_num_events--intThe number of total user events
_num_streams--intThe number of streams where the user has been seen
_num_days--intThe number of days where there has been a stream event associated with the user
_num_conflicts--intThe number of merge conflicts encountered on the traversal (artifact of traversal before indexing)
_conflicts--map[string]intThe number of conflicts per identifier field
_num_max_neighbors--intThe number of fragments skipped in traversal due to max neighbors
_max_traversals--boolIndicates the profile has hit the maximum number of traversals
_num_nested_values--intThe number of values in "nested" field types on an entity (profile)
_total_sz--intThe total byte size of all fields on the profile
_cust_sz--intThe total byte size of all non-meta fields on the profile
_internal_sz--intThe total byte size of all meta fields on the profile
_elasticsearch_size--intThe total byte size attempted to write to Elasticsearch, but failed
_streamnamesStream Names[]stringAll the streams that have been seen on each profile
_broken_profile_broke_max_size--boolIf true, indicates that this is the reason for the profile's unhealthy state
_broken_profile_broke_max_fragment_size--boolIf true, indicates that this is the reason for the profile's unhealthy state
_broken_profile_max_neighbors--boolIf true, indicates that this is the reason for the profile's unhealthy state
_broken_profile_nested_count--boolIf true, indicates that this is the reason for the profile's unhealthy state


On Unhealthy Profiles, only some Meta fields will continue to be surfaced. View the these fields in our Understanding Profile Health documentation

ML Powered Meta Fields

These meta fields are the result of Lytics machine learning algorithms.

Field IDShort DescriptionData TypeDescription
lytics_contentContent Topicsmap[string]numberRaw topic interests from Lytics Affinity Engine
lytics_content_inferredInferred Content Topicsmap[string]numberInferred topic interests from Lytics Affinity Engine
lytics_rollupContent Affinitiesmap[string]numberContent affinities from Lytics Affinity Engine
score_consistencyScore ConsistencyintBehavior based score (Consistency)
score_frequencyScore FrequencyintBehavior based score (Frequency)
score_intensityScore IntensityintBehavior based score (Intensity)
score_maturityScore MaturityintBehavior based score (Maturity)
score_momentumScore MomentumintBehavior based score (Momentum)
score_propensityScore PropensityintBehavior based score (Propensity)
score_quantityScore QuantityintBehavior based score (Quantity)
score_recencyScore RecencyintBehavior based score (Recency)
score_volatilityScore VolatilityintBehavior based score (Volatility)
segment_predictionLookalike Model Predictionsmap[string]numberScores from Lytics Lookalike and SegmentML models
segment_prediction_percentileLookalike Model Percentilesmap[string]intPercentiles of scores from Lytics Lookalike and SegmentML models
deliver_daydeliver daymap[string]intThe predicted best day to communicate with the user based on their next predicted event.
deliver_hourdeliver hourmap[string]intThe predicted best time to communicate with the user based on their next predicted event.


If you have turned on Scoring by Stream, you will see additional sets of Score fields containing the stream name for each stream being individually scored.

Orchestration Meta Fields

These fields will only be available when orchestration has been turned on in an account.

holdout_groups--map[string]boolMembership of holdout group by experience for orchestration simulation
picked_experiencespicked experiences[]stringIDs of out-of-the-box integration experiences that leverage delivery optimization and have been selected at one point for the user.
needs_messageNeeds Message Scoremap[string]numberScore that represents the user's need for a message in a specific stream based on the relative distance to or from the predicted next event in the same stream.
next_eventNext Event Predictionmap[string]timeThe predicted timestamp an event is expected in a specific stream based on interaction patterns of the user in the same stream.
next_event_low--map[string]timeNext Event Prediction (Lower Bound)
next_event_upper--map[string]timeNext Event Prediction (Upper Bound)
decision_ttl--dateApproximate time that decisioning for the profile will be reevaluated