Creating Templates using Lytics API

Creating Templates

Templates can be created, tested, and managed using the Lytics Template APIs. Full API documentation can be found here. To create a template, simply submit a Jsonnet or Handlebars file to the /v2/template endpoint like this (see below for more information on using the lytemplates.libsonnet library in Jsonnet templates):

$ echo "local event = (import 'lytemplates.libsonnet');
local emailField = event.jobConfGet('email_field', 'email');
local userEmail = event.get(emailField);
local errorMsg = if userEmail == '' then 'Profile missing email';

    email_address: userEmail,
    email_address_sha256: event.sha256(userEmail),
    [if event.isEnter() then 'lytics_audience']: event.segSlug(),
    [if event.has('first_name') then 'first_name']: event.get('first_name'),
}" > test.jsonnet
$ http POST $LIOAPI/v2/template name==test-template type==jsonnet \
  description=="A test template for demos" Authorization:$LIOTOKEN \
  account_id==$LIOACCTID < test.jsonnet
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 228
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 21:10:45 GMT
Request-Id: 2a42314b-57fa-11ee-bc0f-0242ac110039

    "data": {
        "created": "2023-09-20T20:38:24.579029236Z",
        "description": "A test template for demos",
        "id": "83d1439ff457ab94377e697180e8f8f1",
        "name": "test-template",
        "type": "jsonnet",
        "updated": "2023-09-20T20:38:24.579029236Z"
    "request_id": "2a42314b-57fa-11ee-bc0f-0242ac110039",
    "status": 200

The endpoint requires name and type query parameters. An optional description can also be included.

Testing Templates

Once templates have been created, the /v2/template/:id/test endpoint makes it easy to test the template's behavior given a particular job configuration and outgoing user profile. A configuration can be included in your request, as well as a custom entity profile. If no entity is included in the request, the API will auto-generate one from your Lytics user table schema:

$ echo '{
    "job_config": {
        "email_field": "email"
    "entity": {
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Tester",
        "segment_events": [
                "id": "e4c8ef6712fc40d76d8202394095f3a6",
                "slug": "test_audience",
                "event": "enter",
                "enter": "2017-10-15T19:12:00.661749884Z"
}' | http POST $LIOAPI/v2/template/83d1439ff457ab94377e697180e8f8f1/test Authorization:$LIOTOKEN

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 222
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 20:53:16 GMT
Request-Id: b8cd77f4-57f7-11ee-bc0f-0242ac110039

    "data": "{\n   \"email_address\": \"\",\n   \"email_address_sha256\": \"e43763399e5318f14cd7473c4902a6b319343d577ec8283898a5edf9dbc6d711\",\n   \"first_name\": \"Tester\",\n   \"lytics_audience\": \"test_audience\"\n}\n",
    "request_id": "b8cd77f4-57f7-11ee-bc0f-0242ac110039",
    "status": 200

Template Examples

Templates for Webhook payloads

One of the primary use-cases for templates is for shaping the request payload for outgoing Webhook Exports from Lytics. For example, say you are exporting a Lytics audience called frequent_visitors to a service that expects the following JSON in the request body:

  "first_name": "Bob",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "email_address": "",
  "marketing_list": "frequent_visitors"

We could create the following template in Lytics, and select it in our Webhook Export job configuration to send the correct request, using the first_name, last_name, and email fields on your Lytics profiles (see here for details on using the lytemplates.libsonnet library):

local event = (import 'lytemplates.libsonnet');
  first_name: event.get("first_name", "")
  last_name:  event.get("last_name", ""),
	email_address: event.get("email", ""),
  marketing_list: event.segSlug()

Once created, this template can be selected from the Lytics Template dropdown menu in the webhook job configuration.

Templates for Dynamic URLs

You can also use a template to dynamically generate URLs for webhook requests instead of hard-coding one in your job configuration. Say you are exporting Lytics profiles to a service that expects requests to the following endpoint where {email} is the user's email address:{email}/subscribe

We could create the following template, which extracts the email from each Lytics profile and includes it in the URL:

local event = (import 'lytemplates.libsonnet');
'' + event.get("email", "") + '/subscribe'

Once created, this template can be selected from the Webhook URL dropdown menu in the webhook job configuration.