Amazon Marketing Cloud


Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) is a secure, privacy-safe, and cloud-based cleanroom solution in which advertisers can easily perform analytics across pseudonymized signals, including Amazon Ads signals as well as their inputs. Connect your first-party data with Amazon to gain new insights into your users.
Amazon Marketing Cloud has the following job type(s):


If you haven't already done so, you will need to set up an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account before you begin the process described below. If you are new to creating authorizations in Lytics, see the Authorizations documentation for more information.

  1. Select Amazon Web Services (AWS) from the list of providers.
  2. Select the method for authorization. Note that different methods may support different job types. Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) supports the following authorization methods:

AWS Keys

You will need the following credentials: AWS Keys that have to write access to the upload bucket that your AMC instance is configured to read from, read access to your AMC instance's output bucket, and permission to use the AMC API. For more information on obtaining your keys, see Amazon's documentation on secret and access keys. The IAM user will need to write access to the upload bucket and access to the AMC API. See Amazon's documentation for details on creating an IAM user

  1. In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
  2. (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
  3. In the Access Key text box, enter your Access Key credential.
  4. In the Secret Key password box, enter your Secret Key credential.

Export Audience

​The Amazon Marketing Cloud export Uploads an audience of users to an Amazon Marketing Cloud dataset. This dataset can then generate insight reports based on your Lytics audience.


Amazon Marketing Cloud: Export Audience supports the following authorization types:

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration
  • Implementation Technique: REST API Integration, File Based Transfer Integration
  • Frequency: Batch Integration
  • Resulting data: A DataSet will be created with the selected profile identifiers and fields.


  1. The AMC Instance is checked to see if the dataset exists. If it does not, a new one is created. If it exists, the columns are validated to contain the selected fields.
  2. The Audience is scanned. For each profile:
    a. The identifiers are normalized and hashed.
    b. The hashed identifiers and selected fields are written to a CSV file in the AMC instance's upload bucket.
  3. A load job is started in AMC to load the file into the configured dataset.
  4. If the export is configured to Keep Updated, it will wait until the next export cycle, where it will start at step 1.


The export will only send users currently in the audience. As profiles fall out of the audience in Lytics they will be removed from the audience being exported to Amazon.


The identifier fields (listed below in the table) will match the profiles of Amazon users. You must select at least one identifier. The identifier(s) will be normalized based on the chosen country and hashed before being sent to Amazon. The listed Lytics user fields are the default fields in Lytics. Your account may use different fields for storing identifiers.


Lytics User Field (configurable)DescriptionAmazon Ads PII FieldType
emailEmail AddressEMAILstring
first_nameFirst NameFIRST_NAMEstring
last_nameLast NameLAST_NAMEstring
addressFull address, e.g., "123 Main Street"ADDRESSstring
phonePhone Number , requires country code prefix. E.g., "1-302-555-1212“PHONEstring
cityCity, e,g., "Denver"CITYstring
zipZip code or postal code. E.g, US: "98103", CA: "M4Y 1R6"ZIPstring
stateState or Province. E.g. US: Colorado, CA: OntarioSTATEstring


Follow these steps to set up and configure an export job for Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Destinations documentation for more information.

  1. Select Amazon Web Services (AWS) from the list of providers.
  2. Select the export Amazon Marketing Cloud job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Select the audience to export.
  7. From the Region input, select the AWS region that the S3 bucket resides in (e.g., us-east-2).
  8. In the Marketing Cloud Instance text box, enter your Amazon Marketing Cloud instance hash (e.g., hfg2f3ul05).
  9. (optional) In the DataSet text box, enter or select the DataSet to upload to. If left blank, the audience's slug will be used.
  10. In the S3 Bucket Name text box, enter select or enter the bucket that you would like to save your files in.
  11. (optional) In the Directory text box, enter select or enter the directory that you would like to save your files in. The directory suggestions can be slow on large S3 buckets.
  12. In the Filename text box, enter the filename of the upload.
  13. (optional) From the Fields to Export input, select a list of user fields to export.
  14. (optional) From the Timestamp format input, select the format for the timestamp at the end of the filename.
  15. From the identifiers Mappings input, select map Lytics user fields to Amazon Marketing Cloud identifiers.
  16. From the Country Code input, select the 2-letter country code for users in this audience. All users will be assumed to be from this country. Based on this selection, addresses, phone numbers, and postal codes will be normalized.
  17. (optional) Select the Keep Updated checkbox to run this export continuously.
  18. (optional) From the File Export Frequency input, select how often a continuous export should export a new file. The default is daily.
  19. (optional) Select the time to run a continuous export from the Time of Day input if the frequency is daily or longer.
  20. (optional) From the Timezone input, select the timezone Time of Day is in.
  21. Click the Start job button to start the job.


If using the Address, Phone, or Postal Code identifiers, the audience should contain users from only one country. If you want to export an audience containing profiles from multiple countries, you can create audiences for each country based on the full audience. You can then export multiple audiences to the same AMC dataset.