Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor Overview

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing platform that allows you to execute email marketing campaigns.

Integrate Lytics with Campaign Monitor to improve the personalization of your email marketing. Lytics combines your Campaign Monitor user activity data with your other marketing tools so you can create custom audiences based on how users interact with your brand.


If you haven't already done so, you will need to set up a Campaign Monitor account before you begin the process described below.

  1. Navigate to Campaign Monitor in the Jobs section of Lytics.
    campaign monitor
  2. Navigate to Authorizations.
  3. Click Add new authorization.
  4. In the Email or Username box, enter your Campaign Monitor email or username.
  5. In the Password box, enter your Campaign Monitor password.
  6. Click Log in.

CM username and password

  1. Click Allow access.
    CM allow access
  2. In the Description box, enter a name for your authorization.
  3. Click Authorize.
    You are now ready to start a workflow with Campaign Monitor.

Export List

Exporting your Lytics Audiences to Campaign monitor allows you to leverage Lytics' powerful data science driven segments for targeting. This integration will keep Lytics and Campaign Monitor in sync as users enter and exit your Lytics audiences. Leverage the export integration along with Campaign Monitor Automated Journeys to trigger emails to your users as they enter or exit a Lytics Audience. You can find a full guide of setting up an automated journey in Campaign Monitor here.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Client-side Integrations.
  • Implementation Technique: REST API Integration.
  • Frequency: Real-time Integration.
  • Resulting data: Lytics Users added to the configured Campaign Monitor list. Each user's audience membership will be in the Lytics Audiences field.

This integration utilizes the Campaign Monitor APIs to send user data. Once the export is started the workflow will:

  1. Create a Lytics Audiences custom field in Campaign Monitor which will contain a user's Lytics audience memberships
  2. Export your configured audiences into the configured Campaign Monitor list
  3. Continue to keep your configured Lytics audiences in sync with Campaign Monitor as users enter or exit the audiences.


By default, Lytics exports the following fields to Campaign Monitor. The source of the email field and name field are configurable. Additional fields can be sent to Campaign Monitor by mapping them during configuration.

Lytics User FieldDescriptionCampaign Monitor FieldType
emailEmail AddressEmailstring


Follow these steps to set up and configure an export of Campaign Monitor in the Lytics platform.

  1. From the Account input, choose the Campaign Monitor account you would like to export to
  2. From the List input, select the list where you'd like Lytics to send audience members. Note: duplicate users across lists in Campaign Monitor results in a bill per user per list.
  3. From the Audiences input, select the name of the Lytics audiences that contains the users you want to sync to Campaign Monitor. Lytics will create segments within the Campaign Monitor list for each selected audience.
  4. Click on the Show Advanced Options tab to expand the advanced configuration
  5. From the Existing Users checkbox, check to add users who already exist in the selected Lytics audience
  6. From the Resubscribe Users checkbox, check to add users who have previously been deleted or unsubscribed from the Campaign Monitor list
  7. From the Queue Subscription Based Auto Responders checkbox, check to automate workflow emails that are based on the subscription date. In Campaign Monitor, emails are not sent by default when subscribers are imported into an email campaign based on the subscription date
  8. From the Email Field input, select the field name that contains the user's email
  9. From the Name Field input, select the field name that contains the user's full name
  10. In the Field Mappings section, map Lytics user fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields for the selected list
  11. Click the Start export button to start the workflow

Import List

Import your Campaign Monitor lists into Lytics allows you to combine your Campaign Monitor data with your other marketing tools, giving you a single view of your users. This can ultimately lead to running more efficient and better targeted marketing campaigns.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: REST API Integration.
  • Frequency: Real-time Integration and Batch Integration.
  • Resulting data: User Profiles and raw event data.

This integration utilizes the Campaign Monitor APIs to import user data. Once the import is started the workflow will:

  1. Import all users from the configured lists into the cm_user stream.
  2. Import all user activity data into the cm_activity stream.
  3. Create a webhook for each list to ingest user activity data into the cm_activity stream.
  4. If the Keep Updated option is selected, schedule the next run of the integration.


The following fields are included in the default mapping of the cm_user stream:

Source FieldLytics User FieldDescriptionType
email(email)email unique idEmail Addressstring
emaildomain(email)email_domainEmail Domainstring
map(list_id, status)cm_list_ids_statusCM List Status By IDmap[string]string
map(list_name, status)cm_list_names_statusCM List Status By Namemap[string]string
namecm_nameCM Namestring
set(client_id)cm_client_idsCampaign Monitor Client ID[]string
set(client_name)cm_client_namesCampaign Monitor Client Name[]string

The following fields are included in the default mapping of the cm_activity stream:

Source FieldConditionalLytics User FieldDescriptionType
cccountry_codeCountry Codestring
count(event)IF eq(event, "click")cm_clickctCampaign Monitor click countint
count(event)IF eq(event, "open")cm_openctCampaign Monitor Open countint
count(event)IF eq(event, "sent")cm_sendctCampaign Monitor Send Countint
email(email)email unique idEmail Addressstring
emaildomain(email)email_domainEmail Domainstring
max(epochms())IF eq(event, "click")cm_lastclick_tsCampaign Monitor Last clickdate
max(epochms())IF eq(event, "open")cm_lastopen_tsCampaign Monitor Last Opendate
max(epochms())IF (event == "deactivate" AND status == "unsubscribe")cm_unsub_tsCampaign Monitor Unsub datenumber
max(epochms())IF event IN ("open", "click", "subscribe")last_active_tsLast Activedate
min(epochms())IF eq(event, "click")cm_firstclick_tsCampaign Monitor First clickdate
min(epochms())IF eq(event, "open")cm_firstopen_tsCampaign Monitor First Opendate
set("email")IF event IN ("open", "click", "subscribe")channelsAll Channels Used[]string
set(campaign_id)cm_campaign_idsCampaign Monitor Campaign ID the send was a part of[]string
set(campaign_name)cm_campaign_namesCampaign Monitor Campaign the send was a part of[]string
set(client_id)cm_client_idsCampaign Monitor Client ID[]string
set(client_name)cm_client_namesCampaign Monitor Client Name[]string
set(list_id)cm_listidsCampaign Monitor List the send originated from[]string
set(list_name)cm_list_namesCampaign Monitor List Name[]string
set(url)cm_email_urlsCampaign Monitor urls[]string
valuect(event)cm_email_eventCampaign Monitor Eventsmap[string]intsum
valuect(hash(urlmain(url)))IF eq(event, "open") OR eq(event, "click")hashedurlsHashed Urls Visitedmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofday())IF eq(event, "open")cm_hourlyopenCampaign Monitor Hourly Eventsmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofweek())IF eq(event, "open")cm_hourofweekCampaign Monitor Hour of Week Eventsmap[string]intsum
valuect(yymm())IF eq(event, "open")cm_monthlyCampaign Monitor Opens By Monthmap[string]intsum


Follow these steps to set up and configure an import of Campaign Monitor in the Lytics platform.

  1. From the Select the Client to Import From input, select the client you would like to import lists from.
  2. From the Lists to Import input, select the lists you would like to import. only users, campaigns, and activity associated with these lists will be imported. If no lists are selected, all lists will be imported.
  3. Click on the Show Advanced Options tab to expand the advanced configuration
  4. From the Keep Updated checkbox, check to continuously run this import
  5. Click the Start import button to start the work