
Mailchimp is a marketing platform for email campaigns including audience segmentation, content templates, reporting and more.

Integrating Lytics with Mailchimp allows you to import email and other user activity data (such as opens and clicks) or export Lytics' cross-channel, behavioral-driven audiences to build and send personalized marketing campaigns from Mailchimp.

The Lytics Canvas supports Mailchimp Experiences. Use Lytics to enrich your Mailchimp user lists with cross-channel data, behavioral scores, and content affinities to improve campaign engagement and performance.


If you haven't already done so, you will need to set up a Mailchimp account before you begin the process described below.

If you are new to creating authorizations in Lytics, see the Authorizations documentation for more information.

  1. Select Mailchimp from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Mailchimp Sign In method for authorization.
  3. Enter your Mailchimp login credentials in the login popup.
  4. In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
  5. (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
  6. Click Save Authorization.

Import Audiences

Importing user and activity data from Mailchimp results in new users or existing user profiles supplemented with Mailchimp campaign data. You can use this data to build and refine your existing Lytics audiences to power better, cross-channel campaigns.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: REST API Integration - Webhook Integration.
  • Frequency: Batch Integration every 12 hours.
  • Resulting data: User Profiles and Raw Event Data.

This integration utilizes Mailchimp APIs to receive user and activity data. On each run of the job, it will:

  1. Check if webhooks are set up in the Mailchimp account.
  2. If any webhooks are found, user events such as subscription changes and profile updates will be received in Lytics via webhooks, reformatted on ingestion, and available in the mailchimp_subscribers stream.
  3. Query for campaigns tied to the lists that you've configured.
  4. For each campaign found, the job will:
    1. Reflect all subscription changes on the mailchimp_subscribers stream.
    2. Add new activity data to the mailchimp_activity stream.


The following fields are included in the default mapping of the mailchimp_subscribers stream:

Source FieldLytics User FieldDescriptionType
cccountry_codeCountry Codestring
email(email_address)email unique idEmail Addressstring
emaildomain(email_address)email_domainEmail Domainstring
euidmc_euid unique idMailChimp User IDstring
first_namemc_first_nameMailchimp First Namestring
last_namemc_last_nameMailchimp Last Namestring
latitudemc_latitudeMailchimp Latitudestring
longitudemc_longitudeMailchimp Longitudestring
map(listid, liststatus)mc_subscriber_statusesMailchimp Subscriber Statusesmap[string]value
map(listid, tags)mc_tagsMailchimp Tagsmap[string]value
match("marketing_permissions.")mc_marketing_permissionsMailchimp Marketing Permissionsmap[string]bool
match("mc_group.")mc_groupsMailchimp Groupsmap[string]bool
member_ratingmc_ratingMailchimp Ratingstring
regionmc_regionMailchimp Last Regionstring
set(cc)country_codesCountry Codes[]string
set(leid)mc_leidsMailchimp Email ID (LEID)[]string
set(listid)mc_listidsMailchimp Lists[]string
set(region)mc_regionsMailchimp Regions[]string
timezonetimezoneTime Zonestring

The following fields are included in the default mapping of the mailchimp_activity stream:

Source FieldConditional (IF)Lytics User FieldDescriptionType
actionmc_actionMailchimp Actionstring
count(action)eq(action, "click")mc_clickctMailchimp Click Countint
count(action)eq(action, "cleaned")mc_hardbouncectMailchimp Hard Bounce Countint
count(action)eq(action, "open")mc_openctMailchimp Open Countint
count(action)eq(action, "sent")mc_sendctMailchimp Send Countint
count(action)eq(action, "subscribe")mc_subctMailchimp Subscribe Countint
count(action)eq(action, "unsubscribe")mc_unsubctMailchimp Unsubscribe Countint
email(email)email unique idEmail Addressstring
email_typeeq(action, "subscribe")mc_emailtypeMailchimp Email Typestring
emaildomain(email)email_domainEmail Domainstring
epochms()eq(action, "cleaned")mc_hardbounce_tsMailchimp Hard Bounce Timedate
epochms()eq(action, "subscribe")mc_sub_tsMailchimp Subscribe Timedate
epochms()eq(action, "unsubscribe")mc_unsub_tsMailchimp Unsubscribe Timedate
last_statusmc_laststatusMailchimp Last Statusstring
map("email", epochms())action IN ("open","click","unsubscribe","subscribe")last_channel_activitiesLast Activity By Channelmap[string]time
map(experience_id, 1)eq(action, "click")mc_conversionsConverted on Mailchimp Experiencemap[string]int
map(experience_id, 1)eq(action, "open")mc_impressionsReached with Mailchimp Experiencemap[string]int
max(epochms())action IN ("open","click","unsubscribe","subscribe")last_active_tsLast Activedate
max(epochms())eq(action, "click")mc_lastclick_tsMailchimp Last clickdate
max(epochms())eq(action, "open")mc_lastopen_tsMailchimp Last Opendate
min(epochms())eq(action, "click")mc_firstclick_tsMailchimp First clickdate
min(epochms())eq(action, "open")mc_firstopen_tsMailchimp First Opendate
set("email")action IN ("open","click","unsubscribe","subscribe")channelsAll Channels Used[]string
set(bounce_reason)eq(action, "cleaned")mc_bouncereasonMailchimp Hard Bounce Reason[]string
set(campaign_title)mc_campaigntitlesMailchimp Campaign Names[]string
set(campaignid)mc_campaignidsMailchimp Campaign Ids[]string
set(listid)mc_listidsMailchimp Lists[]string
set(unsub_action)eq(action, "unsubscribe")mc_unsubactionMailchimp Unsubscribe Action[]string
set(unsub_reason)eq(action, "unsubscribe")mc_unsubreasonMailchimp Unsubscribe Reason[]string
set(utm_campaign)utm_campaignsList Of Campaigns Referred From[]string
set(utm_content)utm_contentsList Of Contents Referred From[]string
set(utm_medium)utm_mediumsList Of Mediums Referred From[]string
set(utm_source)utm_sourcesList Of Sources Referred From[]string
set(utm_term)utm_termsList Of Terms Referred From[]string
set(variant_title)mc_variant_titlesMailchimp Variant Titles[]string
set(variantid)mc_variantidsMailchimp Variant Ids[]string
todate(timestamp)eq(action, "sent")mc_send_tsMailchimp Send Timedate
urlmc_email_urlMailchimp Urlstring
valuect(action)mc_actionctMailchimp Action Countmap[string]intsum
valuect(campaignid)eq(action, "click")total_clicks_by_campaignThe number of clicks for a campaignmap[string]intsum
valuect(campaignid)eq(action, "open")total_opens_by_campaignThe number of opens for a campaignmap[string]intsum
valuect(hash(urlmain(url)))eq(action, "open") OR eq(action, "click")hashedurlsHashed Urls Visitedmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofday())eq(action, "click")mc_hourlyclickMailchimp Clicks By Hourmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofday())eq(action, "open")mc_hourlyopenMailchimp Opens By Hourmap[string]intsum


Lytics can import any and all custom fields from Mailchimp, but this stream does not automatically map these fields, so all custom fields must first be mapped.


Follow these steps to set up and configure an import job for Mailchimp in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Data Sources documentation for more information.

  1. Select Mailchimp from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Import Audiences from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Complete the configuration steps for your job.
  7. From the Lists to Import input, select lists available to be imported from Mailchimp are located in the left column. Lists added to the right column will be imported to Lytics.
  8. (Optional) Toggle Show Advanced Options.
  9. (Optional) Select the One Time Subscriber/Unsubscriber Sync checkbox, to set to true to re-import a list's subscriber and unsubscriber data only. This will not pull activity data and will not keep your subs/unsubs synced.
  10. (Optional) In the Import List Members Data Since this Date text box, enter members whose data has changed from this date onwards will be imported. Leaving blank will import all the members. Use yyyy-mm-ddformat (ex: 2015-08-13).
  11. (Optional) Select the Check to import activity data checkbox, to set to true to import activity data.
  12. (Optional) In the Import Email Activity Data Since this Date text box, enter activities from this date onwards will be imported. Leaving blank will import 30 days old email activities from today. Use yyyy-mm-dd format (ex: 2015-08-13).
  13. Click Start Import.

Export Audiences

Exporting a Lytics audience to Mailchimp allows you to send a marketing campaign email to users based on your own, relevant targeting criteria, such as cross-channel behavior, content affinities, and more.

Integration Details

  • Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
  • Implementation Technique: REST API Integration.
  • Frequency: Batch Integration every 10 minutes, or when the number of audience members to export exceeds 10,000.
  • Resulting data: Lytics audience(s) in Mailchimp.

This integration utilizes Mailchimp APIs to export Lytics Audiences into Mailchimp. On each run of the job, it will sync your selected Lytics Audiences with your selected Mailchimp List.


The following fields are included in the default mapping. Custom fields are not exported to Mailchimp.

Lytics User FieldDescriptionMailchimp FieldType
emailEmail AddressEmailstring
interestsMailchimp Interest GroupsInterests[]string
statusSubscription StatusStatusstring
merger_fieldsFields for Email PersonalizationMerger Fieldsmap[string]string


Follow these steps to set up and configure an export job for Mailchimp in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Destinations documentation for more information.

  1. Select Mailchimp from the list of providers.
  2. Select the Export Audiences from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Select the audiences to export. These will appear as intrests in your Mailchimp list named "Lytics" + the audience name.
  7. Complete the configuration steps for your job.
    Mailchimp Export Config
  8. From the MailChimp List input, select MailChimp list to send this audience to. Note that we will clear any pre-existing audience and replace it with an up-to-date snapshot of its members.
  9. (optional) Select the Add Subscribers to List checkbox, to add new users from Lytics who do not already exist in Mailchimp. (WARNING: This could increase your Mailchimp billing).
  10. (optional) Select the Add Audience Tags checkbox, to tag Mailchimp users with Lytics Audience.
  11. (optional) Select the Leave Subscription Statuses Unmodified checkbox, to uncheck this box to force updated Mailchimp contacts to be subscribed.
  12. From the Email Field input, select the field name that contains the user's email.
  13. (optional) From the First Name Field input, select the field name that contains the user's first name.
  14. (optional) From the First Name Merge Var input, select merge var on MailChimp that should receive recipient's first name.
  15. (optional) From the Last Name Field input, select the field name that contains the user's last name.
  16. (optional) From the Last Name Merge Var input, select merge var on MailChimp that should receive recipient's last name.
  17. Click Start Export.


Lytics Experiences support Mailchimp campaigns and automations. These Experiences can be run as stand-alone campaigns or, using the Lytics Canvas, you can manage the cross-channel customer lifecycle utilizing Mailchimp campaigns as the email touchpoint.

Experience Import

Like all Experience enabled providers, you can import Experiences from Mailchimp. During the import process, you will be asked to select an authorization. Read the Mailchimp authorization documentation for more information.

Import Experiences

If you're not seeing the emails you would like to import on this list make sure that it is a Campaign or Automation created of one of the eligible types. If you would like to activate your Experience with Lytics, you may want to create a new Campaign or Automation and save it in a draft state before selecting targeting details.


Tactics are determined by whether or not the email in Mailchimp is a Campaign or Automation and further by the type of automation. Mailchimp Experiences in Lytics support the following tactics:

  • Campaign - Send an email to a list of users at one time (e.g., a weekly newsletter).
  • Email on List Add - Send an email when a new subscriber is added to your list.
  • Email on Tag Add - Send an email when a user is tagged with a particular tag.

Note: The Email on List Add tactic applies to Mailchimp automations of the Welcome new subscribers type, and the Email on Tag Add tactic applies to automations of the Email subscribers when they're tagged type.


After importing a Mailchimp Experience you can configure it for activation. All Mailchimp Experiences have the same three configuration steps within the Experience Editor:

  1. Target - select the target audience for your Experience.
  2. Configure Mailchimp - set up how the audience for your Experience will be exported. This step will match the configuration instructions of the export workflow and will generally function the same, but without the Audience selection, as that is configured by the Target step in the Experience editor.
  3. Configure Delivery - choose to turn the Delivery Optimization feature on or off. For Mailchimp Experiences, Delivery Optimization is most useful for the Email on List Add or the Email on Tag Add so your email is delivered at an optimal time for each user.

Once you've finished configuring the Experience you can save and activate it.


Activating a Mailchimp Experience exports Lytics users to the associated Mailchimp list. Once the export from Lytics has populated in Mailchimp, it can be used for targeting in your Campaign. The export should complete within a few minutes of activation. If you have Delivery Optimization enabled, users will export at the optimal delivery time at which point the list will be created in Mailchimp.

Campaign Tactic

Once an Experience with the Campaign tactic has been activated in Lytics, follow these steps to finalize your email in Mailchimp:

  1. In Mailchimp, find your campaign and edit it.
  2. Under the To step, select Add Recipients.
  3. From the Audience dropdown select the Mailchimp audience you selected during the configuration of the Experience in Lytics.
  4. Under Segment or Tag select the tag that matches the name of your Experience.
    Mailchimp Targetting
  5. Click Save to save these changes, and proceed with the setup process of your campaign, see Mailchimp's documentation for detailed instructions on these steps.
  6. Once you're ready to deploy, click Send to send immediately or Schedule to send the campaign later.

Email on Tag or List Add Tactics

For Email on Tag Add and Email on List Add Experiences, you must have created an automation before importing your Experience. You need to select a list for the automation before you can save it as a draft. Ensure that when you configure you select the same list you choose when creating the automation in Mailchimp. The dropdown should be pre-populated with the list you chose to make this easy.

Once you activate the Experience, use the following steps to finalize your email in Mailchimp:

  1. Locate the automation in Mailchimp under the Campaigns list.
  2. Click the Edit button to edit the automation.
  3. If the Experience has the Email on Tag Add tactic you will need to select the tag to trigger the email.
    1. Under the Design Email section there should be a statement about the trigger of your automation. Select to Edit the trigger.
      Edit Trigger
    2. Select a delay for triggering the email if you would like one, and under Settings select the tag with the same name as your Experience.
    3. Click on Update Trigger to save the changes.
  4. Finish configuring your email refer to Mailchimp's documentation for assistance.
  5. Click Next to continue to the review step. Confirm your configuration looks correct and click Start Sending to finish the activation of your Mailchimp automation.


Mailchimp metrics are collected through Mailchimp's Email Activity API.

  • Reach - Open events from Mailchimp count as impressions for Mailchimp campaigns and automations.

  • Converted - Click events from Mailchimp count as conversions for Mailchimp campaigns and automations.

These events are also mapped to the Lytics user fields Reached with Mailchimp Experience and Converted on Mailchimp Experience, which are available in the audience builder so that you can create new audiences using these metrics.