
Responsys, also known as Oracle Responsys, is a platform to manage interactions with your customers across email, mobile, social, display, and the web.

Integrating Lytics with Responsys allows you to import users and their activity data to build behavioral audiences and gain Insights in Lytics. You can then export Lytics audiences back to Responsys to refine your targeting and deliver personalized messaging.

Responsys has the following job type(s):


If you haven't already done so, you will need to set up a Responsys account before you begin the process described below. If you are new to creating authorizations in Lytics, see the Authorizations Dashboard documentation for more information.

  1. Select Responsys from the the list of providers.
  2. Select the method for authorization. Note that different methods may support different job types. Responsys supports the following authorization methods:

Responsys Interact

Responsys Interact you will need the following credentials, username, password and endpoint URI .

  1. In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
  2. (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
  3. In the Username text box, enter your Username credential.
  4. In the Password password box, enter your Password credential.
  5. In the Endpoint URI text box, enter Endpoint URI should look like either, login2.responsys.net, login.rsys8.net, or AccountToken-api.responsys.ocs.oraclecloud.com.

Responsys SFTP Server

Responsys SFTP Server you will need the following credentials.

  1. In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
  2. (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
  3. In the Host text box, enter your Host credential.
  4. In the Port numeric field, enter your Port credential.
  5. In the Username text box, enter your Username credential.
  6. In the Private Key text box, enter your Private Key credential.
  7. (optional) In the Folder text box, enter Folder path to place files.

Responsys SFTP Server with PGP

Responsys SFTP Server with PGP you will need the following credentials.

  1. In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
  2. (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
  3. In the Host text box, enter your Host credential.
  4. In the Port numeric field, enter your Port credential.
  5. In the Username text box, enter your Username credential.
  6. In the SFTP Private Key text box, enter your SFTP Private Key credential.
  7. (optional) In the Folder text box, enter Folder path to place files.
  8. In the PGP Private Key text box, enter your PGP Private Key credential.
  9. In the PGP Private Key Passphrase text box, enter your PGP Private Key Passphrase credential.

Responsys: Export Audience


Export Audience supports the following authorization types:

Integration Details


This integration utilizes the Oracle Response Marketing Cloud APIs to send user data. Once the export is started the job will:

  1. Scan the Lytics audience and hash the selected user identifiers, i.e. email or Responsys ID, etc and create a batch of IDs
  2. Every 200 users or 10 minutes, whichever is first, the batch is sent to Responsys.
  3. The export will run continuously. As users enter or exit the Lytics audience, they will be added to a queue.


By default, Lytics exports the following fields to Responsys [REPLACE ME](note which fields are configurable):

Lytics User FieldDescriptionResponsys FieldType
emailEmail AddressEmailstring


Follow these steps to set up and configure an export job for Responsys in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Jobs Dashboard documentation for more information.

  1. Select Responsys from the list of providers.
  2. Select the export job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. From the Source Audience input, select the Lytics audience to export to Resonsys.
  7. From the List input, select the list in Responsys that you'd like to export data to.
  8. From the ID Mappings input, map the Lytics user field to a Responsys Identifier field. At least one identifier must be mapped.
  9. From the Match Column 1 input, select the Responsys identifier to be used as the main identifier. This identifier must be mapped above.
  10. From the Match Column 2 input, optionally select a Responsys identifier to be used as a secondary identifier. If selected, the identifier must be mapped above.
  11. (optional) From the Additional Fields input, select up to 29 user fields to export to Lytics_User_Fields extension table.
  12. (optional) From the Fields Table input, select a fields extension table to write to. If none is selected, a new extension table LyticsUser_Fields{Job ID} will be created. Note the field names must match the Lytics field names.
  13. (optional) From the Export Audience Memberships input, select select up to 29 Lytics Audience names to export to Lytics_Segments extension table.
  14. (optional) From the Fields to Trigger input, select up to 75 user fields to trigger user change events. For any user in the exported audience, if any of the selected field values change, then the user will be updated in Responsys.
  15. Click the Complete button to start the job.

Responsys: Import Activity Data


Import Activity Data supports the following authorization types:

Integration Details


  1. Request a single event for download.
  2. Ingest the data from the JSON files into the stream.


The following fields are included in the default mapping of the responsys_events stream:

Source FieldLytics User FieldDescriptionType
campaign_idrs_campaign_idResponsys Campaign IDstring
count(event)email_bounce_ctEmail Bouncedint
count(event)email_click_ctEmail Clickedint
count(event)email_complaint_ctEmail Complaintint
count(event)email_open_ctEmail Openedint
count(event)email_opt_in_ctEmail Opted-Inint
count(event)email_opt_out_ctEmail Opted-Outint
count(event)email_sent_ctEmail Sentint
count(event)sms_bounce_ctSMS Failedint
count(event)sms_open_ctSMS Deliveredint
count(event)sms_opt_in_ctSMS Opted-Inint
count(event)sms_opt_out_ctSMS Opted-Outint
count(event)sms_sent_ctSMS Sentint
email(email)email unique idstring
emaildomain(email)email_domainEmail Domainstring
map("email", epochms())last_channel_activitiesLast Activity By Channelmap[string]time
max(epochms())email_last_bounce_tsLast Email Bounceddate
max(epochms())email_last_click_tsEmail Last clickdate
max(epochms())email_last_complaint_tsLast Email Complaintdate
max(epochms())email_last_open_tsEmail Last opendate
max(epochms())email_last_opt_in_tsLast Email Opted-Indate
max(epochms())email_last_opt_out_tsLast Email Opted-Outdate
max(epochms())email_last_sent_tsLast Email Sentdate
max(epochms())last_active_tsLast Activedate
max(epochms())sms_last_bounce_tsLast SMS Faileddate
max(epochms())sms_last_open_tsLast SMS Delivereddate
max(epochms())sms_last_opt_in_tsLast SMS Opted-Indate
max(epochms())sms_last_opt_out_tsLast SMS Opted-Outdate
max(epochms())sms_last_sent_tsLast SMS Sentdate
min(epochms())email_first_bounce_tsFirst Email Bounceddate
min(epochms())email_first_click_tsEmail First clickdate
min(epochms())email_first_complaint_tsFirst Email Complaintdate
min(epochms())email_first_open_tsFirst Email Openeddate
min(epochms())email_first_opt_in_tsFirst Email Opted-Indate
min(epochms())email_first_opt_out_tsFirst Email Opted-Outdate
min(epochms())email_first_sent_tsFirst Email Sentdate
min(epochms())sms_first_bounce_tsFirst SMS Faileddate
min(epochms())sms_first_open_tsFirst SMS Delivereddate
min(epochms())sms_first_opt_in_tsFirst SMS Opted-Indate
min(epochms())sms_first_opt_out_tsFirst SMS Opted-Outdate
min(epochms())sms_first_sent_tsFirst SMS Sentdate
mobile_numberphonePhone Numberstring
riidrs_user_id unique idResponsys Idstring
set("email")channelsAll Channels Used[]string
set(list_id)rs_list_idResponsys List ID[]string
set(offer_category)rs_categoriesResponsys Offer Categories[]string
set(offer_name)rs_offersResponsys Offer Names[]string
set(offer_url)email_urlsEmail Urls[]string
set(segment_info)rs_segmentsResponsys Segments[]string
valuect(hash(urlmain(offer_url)))hashedurlsHashed Urls Visitedmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofday())hourlyEvents By Hourmap[string]intsum
valuect(hourofweek())hour_of_weekHour of Week Eventsmap[string]intsum
valuect(monthofyear())month_of_yearMonth of Year Eventsmap[string]intsum


Follow these steps to set up and configure an import job for Responsys in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Jobs Dashboard documentation for more information.

  1. Select Responsys from the list of providers.
  2. Select the import job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Complete the configuration steps for your job.
  7. From the Folder input, select .
  8. From the Account Ids input, select account Ids are detected from the files in the folder.
  9. (optional) In the Custom Delimiter text box, enter designate a custom delimiter for your file. Default delimiter is ",". A recommended custom delimiter is "|" (pipe).
  10. Click the Start job button to start the job.

Responsys: Export Audiences to Campaign


Export Audiences to Campaign supports the following authorization types:

Integration Details


  1. Request a single event for download.
  2. Ingest the data from the JSON files into the stream...


By default, Lytics exports the following fields to Responsys.

Lytics User FieldDescriptionResponsys FieldType
emailEmail AddressEmailstring


Follow these steps to set up and configure an export job for Responsys in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Jobs Dashboard documentation for more information.

  1. Select Responsys from the list of providers.
  2. Select the export job type from the list.
  3. Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
  4. Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
  6. Select the audience to export.
  7. Complete the configuration steps for your job.
  8. From the Email Field input, select select the email field that you want to export to Responsys.
  9. From the Campaign input, select the Campaign in Responsys that you'd like to export data to trigger emails
  10. (optional) Select the Back Fill checkbox, to send users that are already members of the audience selected.
  11. (optional) From the Additional Fields input, select select up to 29 user fields to export to Lytics_User_Fields extension table.
  12. Click the Complete button to start the job.