
Responsys, also known as Oracle Responsys, is a platform to manage interactions with your customers across email, mobile, social, display, and the web.

Integrating Lytics with Responsys allows you to import users and their activity data to build behavioral audiences and gain Insights in Lytics. You can then export Lytics audiences back to Responsys to refine your targeting and deliver personalized messaging.


Lytics can connect to Responsys through three types of authorizations, your choice should be based on your use case, as well as how your data is stored in Responsys.

  1. Select Responsys from the list of providers
  2. Select the method for authorization. Note that different methods support different job types:
    1. Responsys Interact
    2. Responsys SFTP Server
    3. Responsys SFTP Server with PGP
  3. Enter a Label to identify your authorization.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your authorization.
  5. Complete the configuration steps needed for your authorization. These steps will vary by method.
  6. Click Save Authorization.

Responsys Interact

This type of authentication is used with the Responsys REST API and is used by the Export Users and Export to Campaign workflows.

  1. Enter your Responsys Username.
  2. Enter your Responsys Password.
  3. Enter the Responsys Endpoint URI of your account. The API endpoint URI should look like login2.responsys.net, login.rsys8.net, or AccountToken-api.responsys.ocs.oraclecloud.com. Learn more here in Responsys docs .
  4. Enter a Description for this authorization.
  5. Click Authorize.

Responsys SFTP Server

This authorization is used for the Import Event workflow via the Responsys SFTP server. Responsys can release new files every 6 hours.

  1. Enter the Responsys Host.
  2. Enter the Responsys Port (Default is 22).
  3. Enter your Responsys Username.
  4. Enter your Responsys Private Key. This key is usually generated by you and added to the account via service request to Responsys. Important to mention that Lytics is compatible with keys in the OpenSSH format. If you used a tool like PuTTY to generate your key make sure you export it to the OpenSSH format.
  5. Enter a Description for the authorization.
  6. Click Authorize.

Responsys SFTP Server with PGP

This authorization is used for the Import Event workflow via the Responsys SFTP server with the extra feature of decrypting the data files using PGP. You should use this authorization if you have encryption enabled for the files at the Responsys SFTP server.

  1. Enter the Responsys Host.
  2. Enter the Responsys Port (Default is 22).
  3. Enter your Responsys Username.
  4. Enter your Responsys Private Key. This key is usually generated by you and added to the account via service request to Responsys. Important to mention that Lytics is compatible with keys in the OpenSSH format. If you used a tool like PuTTY to generate your key make sure you export it to the OpenSSH format.
  5. Enter your Responsys PGP Private Key.
  6. Enter your Responsys PGP Private Key Passphrase. Leave this field empty if your PGP Key has no passphrase.
  7. Enter a Description for the authorization.
  8. Click Authorize.

Import Events

Frequencyevery hour since launch
Imports fromSFTP
Event stream nameresponsys_events
File typesCSV, and CSV encrypted with PGP

This workflow imports files from Responsys managed SFTP servers.

Export Users

FrequencyEvery 10min
Exports toResponsys List tables
Mapped Fieldsno
Segment Exportsyes
Typeadd, removal

This workflow exports Lytics user data to Responsys profile lists, which should be first created manually in Responsys. Start a new work navigate to Data > Integrations > Workflows > New workflow > Export Users, then select an authorization at:

responsys select auth

After that you can configure the export through:

responsys user export config

Where the options are:

  • List: The list in Responsys that you’d like to export data to.
  • Source Audience: The Lytics audience you’d like to export to Responsys.
  • Email Field: Select the email field that you want to export to Responsys. Default to Email.
  • Time-based Triggers: mark this option if you are exporting a time-based audience, e.g. Last active more than X minutes ago.
  • Existing Users: Check this option to add current members of the audience, otherwise only new members will be exported to Responsys.

Under Advanced Options it's possible to include:

  • Additional Fields: You can select up to 29 user fields to export to Lytics_User_Fields extension table.
  • Export Audience Memberships: You can select up to 29 Lytics Audience names to export to Lytics_Segments extension table in Responsys.

Once all field match your preferences you click on Start Export.

Export to Campaign

FrequencyEvery minute
Exports toResponsys List table
Mapped Fieldsno
Segment Exportsyes

This integration sends Lytics profiles to a list table in Responsys and triggers an email right away to the email address in the profile.

To configure the export:

  • Source Audience: As users enter the chosen audience they are sent to Responsys' Merge Trigger Email service.
  • Email Field: Select the email field name to be taken from user profiles.
  • Campaign: The Campaign in Responsys that will trigger emails.
  • Additional Fields: Select up to 29 user fields to export to Lytics_User_Fields extension table. The extra fields will be used to customize the campaign's email template, e.g. first name, last name, city, etc. These additional field names should match the ones used in the campaign template.
  • Time-based Triggers: Trigger on time-based changes e.g., Last Visit was more than 7 days ago.
  • Back Fill: Send users that are already members of the audience selected.

Once all field match your preferences you click on Start Export.

responsys campaign form