Appreciation Engine
Appreciation Engine is a marketing automation platform that makes it easier to connect with your customers.
Integrating Lytics with Appreciation Engine allows you to import users and their activity so you can build enriched audiences with Lytics Insights, behavioral scores, and content affinities.
Before you begin, you will need your Appreciation Engine API key and the brand ID you will want to import users and activity from. You will only need to authenticate your account once per brand ID and API key. It may be possible to create a brand ID for all of your brands.
If you are new to creating authorizations in Lytics, see the Authorizations documentation for more information.
- Select Appreciation Engine from the list of providers.
- Select the Appreciation Engine API Key method for authorization.
- In the Label text box, enter a name for the authorization
- (optional) In the Description text box, enter a description for this authorization
- In the API Key text box, enter your API Key credential.
- In the Brand ID text box, enter the number that identifies your brand in Appreciation Engine.
- Click Save Authorization.
Import Users and Activity Feed
Import users and their activity feed from Appreciation Engine so you can use this data to build and refine your Lytics audiences.
Integration Details
- Implementation Type: Server-side Integration.
- Implementation Technique: REST API Integration.
- Frequency: Users and their activity data is Batch Integration imported hourly on a continuous basis.
- Resulting Data: Full user profiles for all Appreciation Engine users for the given Brand. The activity data related to the users will also be imported as additional user fields.
This integration utilizes the Appreciation Engine APIs to receive users and their activity data. On running the job, it will:
- Query for all users in your Appreciation Engine Brand to bring in the latest members.
- Bring in backfill members if configured to do so.
- Bring in the activity feed from your Appreciation Engine Brand. You can configure how far back in the activity feed you want to bring in.
The following fields are included in the default mapping of the appreciationengine_users
Source Field | Lytics User Field | Description | Type |
activity_count | ae_activity_count | Appreciation Engine Activity Count | int |
address | address_1 | Address Line 1 | string |
address_line_2 | address_2 | Address Line 2 | string |
city | city | City | string |
country | country | Country | string |
country_code | ae_country_code | Appreciation Engine Country Code | string |
email(email) | email unique id | Email Address | string |
emaildomain(email) | emaildomain | Email Domain | string |
facebook_followers_count | ae_facebook_followers_count | Appreciation Engine Facebook Followers Count | int |
facebook_paid_account | ae_facebook_paid_account | Appreciation Engine Facebook Paid Account | string |
facebook_user_id | fbuid unique id | Facebook User ID | string |
facebook_username | ae_facebook_username | Appreciation Engine Facebook Username | string |
facebook_verified_email | ae_facebook_verified_email | Appreciation Engine Facebook Verified Email | string |
first_name | first_name | First Name | string |
home_phone | phone | Phone Number | string |
id | ae_last_profile_id | Appreciation Engine Last ID | string |
last_name | last_name | Last Name | string |
last_updated | ae_user_updated | Appreciation Engine Profile Updated | date |
map(brand , ae\_score ) | ae_brand_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score | map[string]int |
map(brand , beatsmusic\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_beatsmusic_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Beats Music | map[string]int |
map(brand , custom\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_custom_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Custom | map[string]int |
map(brand , custom\_valid ) | ae_brand_custom_valid | Appreciation Engine for custom valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , deezer\_added ) | ae_brand_deezer_added | Appreciation Engine for deezer added | map[string]string |
map(brand , deezer\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_deezer_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Deezer | map[string]int |
map(brand , deezer\_favorited ) | ae_brand_deezer_favorited | Appreciation Engine for deezer favorited | map[string]int |
map(brand , deezer\_listen ) | ae_brand_deezer_listen | Appreciation Engine for deezer listen | map[string]int |
map(brand , deezer\_valid ) | ae_brand_deezer_valid | Appreciation Engine for deezer valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , facebook\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_fb_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Facebook | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_commented\_on\_page ) | ae_brand_facebook_commented_on_page | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented_on_page | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_commented ) | ae_brand_facebook_commented | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_followed ) | ae_brand_facebook_followed | Appreciation Engine for facebook followed | map[string]bool |
map(brand , facebook\_hashtag ) | ae_brand_facebook_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for facebook hashtag | map[string]string |
map(brand , facebook\_liked ) | ae_brand_facebook_liked | Appreciation Engine for facebook liked | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_likes ) | ae_brand_facebook_likes | Appreciation Engine for facebook likes | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_listen ) | ae_brand_facebook_listen | Appreciation Engine for facebook listen | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_mentioned ) | ae_brand_facebook_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for facebook mentioned | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_music\_listen\_deezer ) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen_deezer | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen deezer | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_music\_listen\_rdio ) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen_rdio | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen rdio | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_music\_listen\_rhapsody ) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen_rhapsody | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen rhapsody | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_music\_listen\_spotify ) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen_spotify | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen spotify | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_music\_listen ) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_posted\_to\_page ) | ae_brand_facebook_posted_to_page | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted to page | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_posted ) | ae_brand_facebook_posted | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_shared\_link ) | ae_brand_facebook_shared_link | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared link | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_shared\_photo ) | ae_brand_facebook_shared_photo | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared photo | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_shared\_status ) | ae_brand_facebook_shared_status | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared status | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_shared ) | ae_brand_facebook_shared | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_shazam ) | ae_brand_facebook_shazam | Appreciation Engine for facebook shazam | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_tagged ) | ae_brand_facebook_tagged | Appreciation Engine for facebook tagged | map[string]int |
map(brand , facebook\_valid ) | ae_brand_facebook_valid | Appreciation Engine for facebook valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , facebookmessenger\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_fbmessenger_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Facebook Messenger | map[string]int |
map(brand , foursquare\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_foursquare_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Four Square | map[string]int |
map(brand , foursquare\_checked\_in ) | ae_brand_foursquare_checked_in | Appreciation Engine for foursquare checked in | map[string]string |
map(brand , foursquare\_valid ) | ae_brand_foursquare_valid | Appreciation Engine for foursquare valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , google\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_google_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Google | map[string]int |
map(brand , google\_followed ) | ae_brand_google_followed | Appreciation Engine for google followed | map[string]int |
map(brand , google\_posted ) | ae_brand_google_posted | Appreciation Engine for google posted | map[string]string |
map(brand , google\_shared ) | ae_brand_google_shared | Appreciation Engine for google shared | map[string]string |
map(brand , google\_valid ) | ae_brand_google_valid | Appreciation Engine for google valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , instagram\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_instagram_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Instagram | map[string]int |
map(brand , instagram\_followed ) | ae_brand_instagram_followed | Appreciation Engine for instagram followed | map[string]bool |
map(brand , instagram\_hashtag ) | ae_brand_instagram_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for instagram hashtag | map[string]string |
map(brand , instagram\_liked ) | ae_brand_instagram_liked | Appreciation Engine for instagram liked | map[string]string |
map(brand , instagram\_mentioned ) | ae_brand_instagram_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for instagram mentioned | map[string]int |
map(brand , instagram\_tagged ) | ae_brand_instagram_tagged | Appreciation Engine for instagram tagged | map[string]int |
map(brand , instagram\_valid ) | ae_brand_instagram_valid | Appreciation Engine for instagram valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , kakao\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_kakao_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Kakao | map[string]int |
map(brand , lastfm\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_lastfm_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for LastFM | map[string]int |
map(brand , napster\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_napster_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Napster | map[string]int |
map(brand , qq\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_qq_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for QQ | map[string]int |
map(brand , rdio\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_rdio_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Rdio | map[string]int |
map(brand , soundcloud\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_soundcloud_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for SoundCloud | map[string]int |
map(brand , soundcloud\_favorited ) | ae_brand_soundcloud_favorited | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud favorited | map[string]string |
map(brand , soundcloud\_valid ) | ae_brand_soundcloud_valid | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , spotify\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_spotify_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Spotify | map[string]int |
map(brand , spotify\_followed ) | ae_brand_spotify_followed | Appreciation Engine for spotify followed | map[string]bool |
map(brand , spotify\_listen ) | ae_brand_spotify_listen | Appreciation Engine for spotify listen | map[string]int |
map(brand , spotify\_valid ) | ae_brand_spotify_valid | Appreciation Engine for spotify valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , tumblr\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_tumblr_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Tumblr | map[string]int |
map(brand , tumblr\_followed ) | ae_brand_tumblr_followed | Appreciation Engine for tumblr followed | map[string]bool |
map(brand , tumblr\_liked ) | ae_brand_tumblr_liked | Appreciation Engine for tumblr liked | map[string]string |
map(brand , tumblr\_reblogged ) | ae_brand_tumblr_reblogged | Appreciation Engine for tumblr reblogged | map[string]string |
map(brand , tumblr\_valid ) | ae_brand_tumblr_valid | Appreciation Engine for tumblr valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , twitter\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_tw_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Twitter | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_followed ) | ae_brand_twitter_followed | Appreciation Engine for twitter followed | map[string]bool |
map(brand , twitter\_hashtag ) | ae_brand_twitter_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for twitter hashtag | map[string]string |
map(brand , twitter\_influence ) | ae_brand_twitter_influence | Appreciation Engine for twitter influence | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_mentioned ) | ae_brand_twitter_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for twitter mentioned | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_retweeted ) | ae_brand_twitter_retweeted | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweeted | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_retweets ) | ae_brand_twitter_retweets | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweets | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_shared\_link ) | ae_brand_twitter_shared_link | Appreciation Engine for twitter shared link | map[string]string |
map(brand , twitter\_shared ) | ae_brand_twitter_shared | Appreciation Engine for twitter shared | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_shazam ) | ae_brand_twitter_shazam | Appreciation Engine for twitter shazam | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_tagged ) | ae_brand_twitter_tagged | Appreciation Engine for twitter tagged | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_tweeted ) | ae_brand_twitter_tweeted | Appreciation Engine for twitter tweeted | map[string]int |
map(brand , twitter\_valid ) | ae_brand_twitter_valid | Appreciation Engine for twitter valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , weibo\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_weibo_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for Weibo | map[string]int |
map(brand , youtube\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_brand_youtube_affinity | Appreciation Engine Brand Score for YouTube | map[string]int |
map(brand , youtube\_favorited ) | ae_brand_youtube_favorited | Appreciation Engine for youtube favorited | map[string]int |
map(brand , youtube\_liked ) | ae_brand_youtube_liked | Appreciation Engine for youtube liked | map[string]int |
map(brand , youtube\_subscribed ) | ae_brand_youtube_subscribed | Appreciation Engine for youtube subscribed | map[string]string |
map(brand , youtube\_valid ) | ae_brand_youtube_valid | Appreciation Engine for youtube valid | map[string]bool |
map(brand , youtube\_watched ) | ae_brand_youtube_watched | Appreciation Engine for youtube watched | map[string]int |
map(brand , todate(custom\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_custom_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for custom expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(custom\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_custom_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for custom last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(deezer\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_deezer_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for deezer expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(deezer\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_deezer_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for deezer last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(deezer\_listen\_last )) | ae_brand_deezer_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for deezer listen last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_commented\_on\_page\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_commented_on_page_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented on page last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_facebook_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for facebook expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_facebook_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for facebook last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook mentioned last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_music\_listen\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_music_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_posted\_to\_page\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_posted_to_page_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted to page last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_shared\_photo\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_shared_photo_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared photo last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(facebook\_shared\_status\_last )) | ae_brand_facebook_shared_status_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared status last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(foursquare\_checkedin\_last )) | ae_brand_foursquare_checkedin_last | Appreciation Engine for foursquare checkedin last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(foursquare\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_foursquare_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for foursquare expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(foursquare\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_foursquare_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for foursquare last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(google\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_google_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for google expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(google\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_google_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for google last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(instagram\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_instagram_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for instagram expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(instagram\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_instagram_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for instagram last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(instagram\_liked\_last )) | ae_brand_instagram_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram liked last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(instagram\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_brand_instagram_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram mentioned last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(instagram\_tagged\_last )) | ae_brand_instagram_tagged_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram tagged last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(soundcloud\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_soundcloud_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(soundcloud\_favorited\_last )) | ae_brand_soundcloud_favorited_last | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud favorited_last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(soundcloud\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_soundcloud_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(spotify\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_spotify_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for spotify expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(spotify\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_spotify_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for spotify last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(spotify\_listen\_last )) | ae_brand_spotify_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for spotify listen last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(tumblr\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_tumblr_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for tumblr expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(tumblr\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_tumblr_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for tumblr last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(tumblr\_liked\_last )) | ae_brand_tumblr_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for tumblr liked last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(tumblr\_reblogged\_last )) | ae_brand_tumblr_reblogged_last | Appreciation Engine for tumblr reblogged last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_twitter_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for twitter expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_twitter_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for twitter last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_brand_twitter_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter mentioned_last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_retweeted\_last )) | ae_brand_twitter_retweeted_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweeted_last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_tagged\_last )) | ae_brand_twitter_tagged_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter tagged last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(twitter\_tweeted\_last )) | ae_brand_twitter_tweeted_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter tweeted last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(youtube\_expiration\_date )) | ae_brand_youtube_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for youtube expiration date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(youtube\_favorited\_last )) | ae_brand_youtube_favorited_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube favorited_last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(youtube\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_brand_youtube_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for youtube last action date | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(youtube\_liked\_last )) | ae_brand_youtube_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube liked last | map[string]time |
map(brand , todate(youtube\_watched\_last )) | ae_brand_youtube_watched_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube watched last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_custom\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_custom_valid | Appreciation Engine for custom valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_deezer\_added ) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_added | Appreciation Engine for deezer added | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_deezer\_favorited ) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_favorited | Appreciation Engine for deezer favorited | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_deezer\_listen ) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_listen | Appreciation Engine for deezer listen | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_deezer\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_valid | Appreciation Engine for deezer valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_commented\_on\_page ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_commented_on_page | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented_on_page | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_commented ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_commented | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_followed | Appreciation Engine for facebook followed | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_hashtag ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for facebook hashtag | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_liked ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_liked | Appreciation Engine for facebook liked | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_likes ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_likes | Appreciation Engine for facebook likes | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_listen ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_listen | Appreciation Engine for facebook listen | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_mentioned ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for facebook mentioned | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_music\_listen\_deezer ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen_deezer | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen deezer | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_music\_listen\_rdio ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen_rdio | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen rdio | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_music\_listen\_rhapsody ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen_rhapsody | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen rhapsody | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_music\_listen\_spotify ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen_spotify | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen spotify | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_music\_listen ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_posted\_to\_page ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_posted_to_page | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted to page | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_posted ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_posted | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_shared\_link ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared_link | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared link | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_shared\_photo ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared_photo | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared photo | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_shared\_status ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared_status | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared status | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_shared ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_shazam ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shazam | Appreciation Engine for facebook shazam | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_tagged ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_tagged | Appreciation Engine for facebook tagged | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_facebook\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_valid | Appreciation Engine for facebook valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_foursquare\_checked\_in ) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_checked_in | Appreciation Engine for foursquare checked in | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_foursquare\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_valid | Appreciation Engine for foursquare valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_google\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_google_followed | Appreciation Engine for google followed | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_google\_posted ) | ae_extended_brand_google_posted | Appreciation Engine for google posted | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_google\_shared ) | ae_extended_brand_google_shared | Appreciation Engine for google shared | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_google\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_google_valid | Appreciation Engine for google valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_followed | Appreciation Engine for instagram followed | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_hashtag ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for instagram hashtag | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_liked ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_liked | Appreciation Engine for instagram liked | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_mentioned ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for instagram mentioned | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_tagged ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_tagged | Appreciation Engine for instagram tagged | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_instagram\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_valid | Appreciation Engine for instagram valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_soundcloud\_favorited ) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_favorited | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud favorited | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_soundcloud\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_valid | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_spotify\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_followed | Appreciation Engine for spotify followed | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_spotify\_listen ) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_listen | Appreciation Engine for spotify listen | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_spotify\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_valid | Appreciation Engine for spotify valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_tumblr\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_followed | Appreciation Engine for tumblr followed | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_tumblr\_liked ) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_liked | Appreciation Engine for tumblr liked | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_tumblr\_reblogged ) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_reblogged | Appreciation Engine for tumblr reblogged | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_tumblr\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_valid | Appreciation Engine for tumblr valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_followed ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_followed | Appreciation Engine for twitter followed | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_hashtag ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_hashtag | Appreciation Engine for twitter hashtag | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_influence ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_influence | Appreciation Engine for twitter influence | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_mentioned ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_mentioned | Appreciation Engine for twitter mentioned | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_retweeted ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_retweeted | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweeted | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_retweets ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_retweets | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweets | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_shared\_link ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_shared_link | Appreciation Engine for twitter shared link | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_shared ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_shared | Appreciation Engine for twitter shared | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_shazam ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_shazam | Appreciation Engine for twitter shazam | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_tagged ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_tagged | Appreciation Engine for twitter tagged | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_tweeted ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_tweeted | Appreciation Engine for twitter tweeted | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_twitter\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_valid | Appreciation Engine for twitter valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_youtube\_favorited ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_favorited | Appreciation Engine for youtube favorited | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_youtube\_liked ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_liked | Appreciation Engine for youtube liked | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_youtube\_subscribed ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_subscribed | Appreciation Engine for youtube subscribed | map[string]string |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_youtube\_valid ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_valid | Appreciation Engine for youtube valid | map[string]bool |
map(extended\_brand , extended\_youtube\_watched ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_watched | Appreciation Engine for youtube watched | map[string]int |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_custom\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_custom_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for custom expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_custom\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_custom_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for custom last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_deezer\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for deezer expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_deezer\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for deezer last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_deezer\_listen\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for deezer listen last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_commented\_on\_page\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_commented_on_page_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook commented on page last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for facebook expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for facebook last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook mentioned last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_music\_listen\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_music_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook music listen last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_posted\_to\_page\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_posted_to_page_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook posted to page last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_shared\_photo\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared_photo_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared photo last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_facebook\_shared\_status\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_facebook_shared_status_last | Appreciation Engine for facebook shared status last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_foursquare\_checkedin\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_checkedin_last | Appreciation Engine for foursquare checkedin last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_foursquare\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for foursquare expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_foursquare\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for foursquare last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_google\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_google_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for google expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_google\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_google_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for google last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_instagram\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for instagram expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_instagram\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for instagram last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_instagram\_liked\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram liked last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_instagram\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram mentioned last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_instagram\_tagged\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_tagged_last | Appreciation Engine for instagram tagged last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_soundcloud\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_soundcloud\_favorited\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_favorited_last | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud favorited_last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_soundcloud\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for soundcloud last_action_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_spotify\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for spotify expiration_date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_spotify\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for spotify last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_spotify\_listen\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_listen_last | Appreciation Engine for spotify listen last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_tumblr\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for tumblr expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_tumblr\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for tumblr last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_tumblr\_liked\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for tumblr liked last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_tumblr\_reblogged\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_reblogged_last | Appreciation Engine for tumblr reblogged last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for twitter expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for twitter last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_mentioned\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_mentioned_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter mentioned_last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_retweeted\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_retweeted_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter retweeted_last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_tagged\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_tagged_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter tagged last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_twitter\_tweeted\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_twitter_tweeted_last | Appreciation Engine for twitter tweeted last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_youtube\_expiration\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_expiration_date | Appreciation Engine for youtube expiration date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_youtube\_favorited\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_favorited_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube favorited_last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_youtube\_last\_action\_date )) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_last_action_date | Appreciation Engine for youtube last action date | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_youtube\_liked\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_liked_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube liked last | map[string]time |
map(extended\_brand , todate(extended\_youtube\_watched\_last )) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_watched_last | Appreciation Engine for youtube watched last | map[string]time |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_ae\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_beatsmusic\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_beatsmusic_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Beats Music | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_custom\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_custom_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Custom | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_deezer\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_deezer_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Deezer | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_facebook\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_fb_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Facebook | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_facebookmessenger\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_fbmessenger_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Facebook Messenger | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_foursquare\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_foursquare_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Four Square | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_google\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_google_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Google | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_instagram\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_instagram_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Instagram | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_kakao\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_kakao_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Kakao | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_lastfm\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_lastfm_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for LastFM | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_napster\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_napster_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Napster | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_qq\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_qq_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for QQ | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_rdio\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_rdio_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Rdio | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_soundcloud\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_soundcloud_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for SoundCloud | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_spotify\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_spotify_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Spotify | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_tumblr\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_tumblr_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Tumblr | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_twitter\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_tw_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Twitter | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_weibo\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_weibo_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for Weibo | map[string]int |
map(extened\_brand , extended\_youtube\_ae\_service\_score ) | ae_extended_brand_youtube_affinity | Appreciation Engine Extended Brand Score for YouTube | map[string]int |
mobile_phone | cell | Cell Number | string |
postal_code | zip | Zip | string |
score | ae_score | Appreciation Engine Score | int |
set(country\_code ) | country_codes | Country Codes | []string |
set(id) | ae_profile_ids | Appreciation Engine IDs | []string |
state | state | State | string |
todate(birth\_date ) | birth_date | Birth Date | date |
twitter_followers_count | ae_twitter_followers_count | Appreciation Engine Twitter Followers Count | int |
twitter_paid_account | ae_twitter_paid_account | Appreciation Engine Twitter Paid Account | string |
twitter_user_id | twuser_id unique id | Twitter User ID | string |
twitter_username | twuser_screenname unique id | Twitter Username | string |
twitter_verified_email | ae_twitter_verified_email | Appreciation Engine Twitter Verified Email | string |
verified_email | ae_verified_email | Appreciation Engine Verified Email | string |
The following fields are included in the default mapping of the appreciationengine_activity
Source Field | Lytics User Field | Description | Type |
email(email) | email unique id | Email Address | string |
emaildomain(email) | emaildomain | Email Domain | string |
max(epochms()) | last_active_ts | Last Active | date |
set(user_id) | ae_profile_ids | Appreciation Engine IDs | []string |
user_id | ae_last_profile_id | Appreciation Engine Last ID | string |
valuect(hourofday()) | ae_hourly | Appreciation Engine Active Hours of Day | map[string]intsum |
valuect(hourofweek()) | ae_hourofweek | Appreciation Engine Active Hours of Week | map[string]intsum |
valuect(service) | ae_service_cnts | Counts for each service | map[string]intsum |
valuect(type) | ae_action_cnts | Counts for each type of action | map[string]intsum |
valuect(yymm()) | ae_yymm | Appreciation Engine Active Months | map[string]intsum |
Please contact customer support for any other fields you would like to map from Appreciation Engine to Lytics user fields.
Follow these steps to set up and configure an import job for Appreciation Engine in the Lytics platform. If you are new to creating jobs in Lytics, see the Data Sourcesdocumentation for more information.
- Select Appreciation Engine from the list of providers.
- Select the Import Audiences and Activity Data job type from the list.
- Select the Authorization you would like to use or create a new one.
- Enter a Label to identify this job you are creating in Lytics.
- (Optional) Enter a Description for further context on your job.
- Complete the configuration steps for your job.
- (optional) Select the Import Backfill Users checkbox, to import backfill users from Appreciation Engine.
- (optional) In the Activity Backfill Start Date text box, enter backfill activity feed between this date and the end date. If left blank, the current date is used. Use yyyy-mm-dd format (ex: 2017-8-24).
- (optional) In the Activity Backfill End Date text box, enter backfill activity feed between the start date and this date. If left blank, activity will not be backfilled. Use yyyy-mm-dd format (ex: 2015-8-13).
- (optional) Select the Keep Updated checkbox, to continuously run this import.
- Click Start Import.
Users and activity feed data should begin appearing in the appreciationengine_users
and appreciationengine_activity
streams within a few minutes after starting the import.
Updated over 1 year ago