What is the Laboratory?


Lytics Laboratory allows you to create Predictive Audiences powered by Lookalike Models - machine learning models built specifically for your marketing initiatives.

Built for Marketers

Lytics' Lookalike Models make it easy for marketers to leverage machine learning models with minimal effort. Creating a Lookalike Model is as simple as selecting a target and source audience, with the goal of driving users from the source to the target (think [unknown, known], [1-time purchaser, repeat purchaser], etc). Once configured, Lytics will train a model based on the data accessible on user profiles, and output meaningful diagnostics and predictions to help you expand your target audience.

Some common use cases for Lookalike Models include:

  • From “unknown users”, find users who are likely to become “users with email addresses”
  • From “users who’ve purchased one item”, find users who are likely to become “users who have made multiple purchases”
  • From “known users”, find users who are likely to become “known users that have churned

Built by Data Scientists

Built by a team of experienced Data Scientists and Machine Learning engineers, Lytics' Lookalike Models incorporate a variety of modern techniques to ensure your models outperform traditional marketing methods. When building models, Lytics applies feature-reduction techniques and trains a set of Random Forests and Logistic Regression models, followed by a suite of model-tuning and cross-validation to determine the best configuration.

Unlike traditional statistical modeling approaches, Lytics Lookalike Models update user scores in real-time, so you can start targeting users not only when the model is built, but also as their behavior changes or new users are added. This means that a prediction for a user will update after every page click, email open, etc, which helps ensure that you are targeting the best users. Rather than using a static list, Predictive Audiences built from Lookalike Models provide a dynamic pool of users that will respond best when they are ready for ads or other marketing messages. You can also adjust your targeting criteria to make the best tradeoffs between reach and accuracy to maximize your marketing budgets.

Lytics also provides robust APIs for Lookalike Models, so your engineering team can quickly create and test models via the Lytics API.