Playbook Template

Use this template for creating guides (playbooks)


[Overview of the challenge Lytics can help solve for and high level summary of suggested solution]

How Lytics helps

  • [List all the Lytics value props that relate directly to the solution(s) you are suggesting]
  • [List all the Lytics value props that relate directly to the solution(s) you are suggesting]
  • [List all the Lytics value props that relate directly to the solution(s) you are suggesting]

Things to consider before you start

Create the target audience

[Overview the important things to keep in mind when creating audiences for this use case (i.e. how these audiences should be related to the challenge the marketer is facing).]

  • [List suggested audiences and add context on why these work]


New to audience building? Use our Audience documentation to learn more about how to build audiences

Planning an audience (should this be it's own section that we can link to in each)?

  • Check the Schema Audit tab in the UI for the data that will use for to create the desired audience
  • Consider using pre-existing audiences as building blocks to simplify audience creation
  • Consider using / prepare custom <input data science feature here, link to docs> to improve the targeting of the campaign

Build the audience (should this be it's own section that we can link to in each)?

  • Create the audience in the Lytics audience builder, including or excluding the elements identified in the planning process
  • Save the audience

Activate the target audience

[Overview of key benefits of working with this integration/channel. Add general tips for ensuring the campaign relevant to the goal and audience.

Consider if there are different options for the different types of audiences you suggested on the previous slide. Break them out like the below if that makes it easier to follow…]

Activating [Audience Type 1]:

  • [Suggestion]

Activating [Audience Type 2]:

  • [Suggestion]

Authorize the integration

If this is the first time sending data to [integration], you will first need to create an authorization [link to authorization doc]

Activate the audience (should this be it's own section that we can link to in each)?

  • Create the job [link to export doc and add all your necessary fields and settings, including how often you would like to send this audience to this tool]
  • Start the export
  • Monitor the job’s progress in the job summary
  • Navigate to [input integration name here] and build your campaign using the Lytics built audience

Improve your strategy

Regardless of the success of the initial campaign, it is always a great idea to explore ways to improve the experience.

Continue to iterate and expand on the initial use case:

  • [List out ideas for improvement / expansion that will directly relate to the playbook you are preparing]

Monitor the results

Analyze your results in [integration] and compare to your KPI(s) and previous benchmark(s)

Fine tune the campaign

  • If the results show that there is not enough reach as desired, revisit the audience to find ways to expand the number of users you are targeting
  • If your results show that there are not as many conversions as expected, consider additional fields, predictions and affinities to create an audience better aligned to the campaign


Additional Resources

  • Link
  • Link